Ladamedebete12 t1_j6zp3h4 wrote
Reply to comment by Unfair_Holiday_3549 in You know you're a Mainer when.... by GeoWannaBe
It's true i worked at a maine local farmers market and we sold a lot of Vermont stuff. Lol. Itd make my own syrup though and my brothers make my honey.
Ladamedebete12 t1_iwcu6h3 wrote
Reply to comment by ElderberrySingle2833 in Moving Soon from Alabama any advice? by ElderberrySingle2833
Yes, we do need you. We need disability lawyers, injury lawyers. I know for sure. We need basically defense lawyers of all kinds. We are in dire need and its a beautiful place.
Ladamedebete12 t1_iwbrrxe wrote
We are short lawyers, they are going into retirement and we don't have really any lawyers to replace them. So its a great avenue here.
Ladamedebete12 t1_itwvfpb wrote
Reply to Advice after dog attack by MeanFluffyBunny
Yes ask the police what your next move should be. If it cost vet bills and is serious for sure they should pay damages its their fault. If you can sue for bills than I would. I Imagine their dog could do a lot of damages and it's just not cool to just say. "Oh, it's okai" because it's kinda not.
Ladamedebete12 t1_j72kzza wrote
Reply to comment by Unfair_Holiday_3549 in You know you're a Mainer when.... by GeoWannaBe
Fair enough