
LadyGreyIcedTea t1_j68xtaf wrote

True, that's what IOP is intended for- as a step-down from inpatient. But I've seen situations where people walk into IOPs off the street for whatever reason- no inpatient beds, insurance says they only qualify for IOP, they don't want to stay there 24/7, etc. We don't actually know the reason in this situation.


LadyGreyIcedTea t1_j6785ct wrote

Him having privacy rights for certain things doesn't mean he's "old enough to make all medical decisions." If he needs surgery you or his other parent will still need to consent. There are certain things specifically (like sexual health, mental health and substance use treatment) that adolescents are able to access without their parents' knowledge/consent.


LadyGreyIcedTea t1_j677yil wrote

Adolescents have certain privacy rights. All the patient portals I'm familiar with as a pediatric nurse block parents from being able to see their teenagers' medication lists in case they are on something like birth control that they don't want their parents to know if. This happens even in cases where the teenager is severely developmentally disabled and cognitively at the level of an infant.


LadyGreyIcedTea t1_j677hhd wrote

From what I've read, she was in an intensive outpatient program 5 days/week. Why she was in an IOP vs. inpatient has not been explained. It could have been anything from there were no beds anywhere to insurance said she didn't meet the criteria for inpatient.

As far as where was "Child Family Services," someone has to file a report of abuse or neglect for them to investigate and open a case. They aren't aware of every child in the state whose parent is seeking help for a mental health diagnosis. If she wasn't expressing that she was going to hurt her children in the program she was attending, there would have been nothing worthy of filing on. Plus there was a second parent who was home with the children most of the time as well. Reportedly he went out to pick up dinner on Tuesday night when this happened.


LadyGreyIcedTea t1_j61gkir wrote

Reply to comment by asmithey in A quick shower by ARareThing

Probably the drunkest I've ever been in my adult life the semi-finals of the hockey east tournament in 2016. Providence vs. UMass Lowell went into triple overtime and the BC-Northeastern game, that I was there to see, didn't even start until like 10pm. Fortunately that was the last weekend of late night T service.

I went to another game at the Garden a week or 2 later and the Sam Adams guy remembered me from the Hockey East game.


LadyGreyIcedTea t1_j61fh2z wrote

You have to go there in person to cancel. There aren't really any BSCs convenient to Roslindale though. A great deal of them closed in the past few years. I used to go to have the Passport memberships and would go to the Newton, Watertown, West Newton and Allston clubs years ago. All of those except the Allston one have closed and parking sucks at that one.


LadyGreyIcedTea t1_j5wgmdg wrote

Reply to Juror duty? by [deleted]

Your judicial district doesn't mean the court closest to you. You can be called to appear in any court in your county.


LadyGreyIcedTea t1_j5hnf84 wrote

You're not getting housing in eastern MA for $900/month. Or anything close to that. I was paying $950 for a studio apartment in Brighton in 2007. That same apartment was last rented for $1625 last year based on what I see on Zillow.

Also what's a "reasonably nice lunch"? Because $12-$15 might get you a sandwich up here.


LadyGreyIcedTea t1_j5geo73 wrote

The Bruins are home 3/25, 3/28 and 3/30 so you have plenty of options.

The Boston Pride (women's hockey) ends their regular season on 3/12 but they might be in the playoffs when you're here.