LadyGreyIcedTea t1_ixk864d wrote
Reply to Moving to Boston with my son soon and want to take him to his very first game, between the Bruins, the Celtics, and the Sox, which do you feel has the most family-friendly atmosphere? by Indecisive_kangaroo
Any are fine but for family friendliness I would probably say Red Sox--> Celtics --> Bruins.
Also be aware that professional sports games cost a lot more up here than they do in Baltimore. I spent more on 2 tickets to the Bruins game last weekend than I did for an entire weekend of Red Sox games in Baltimore this year. Actually maybe more than all 8 Red Sox games I attended in Baltimore this year.
LadyGreyIcedTea t1_ixk7w73 wrote
Reply to comment by MoreGuitarPlease in Moving to Boston with my son soon and want to take him to his very first game, between the Bruins, the Celtics, and the Sox, which do you feel has the most family-friendly atmosphere? by Indecisive_kangaroo
My husband (from NJ) thinks the Bruins fans are the most authentic Boston fans. The first game I took him to, some guy a few rows in front of us kept screaming "Get rid of Chara, he's a fucking dinosaur!" in the best Boston accent.
LadyGreyIcedTea t1_ixjfai7 wrote
Every high school has a team they play annually on Thanksgiving.
LadyGreyIcedTea t1_ixb5nhb wrote
Reply to Boston teams are 16-0 since Nov 5th with just two losses among all 3 teams in the month of November! by eaglessoar
The Celtics are about to lose though.
LadyGreyIcedTea t1_ixb1pte wrote
Reply to comment by RogueInteger in Boston teams are 16-0 since Nov 5th with just two losses among all 3 teams in the month of November! by eaglessoar
I had a meeting this morning that was as painful as the first 59 minutes and 40 seconds of that game.
LadyGreyIcedTea t1_ixay6gf wrote
Reply to So uh… are these Jehovahs Witnesses at the T stations ever going to go away? by jWalkerFTW
They've been there every single day since way before this summer. They've been at Forest Hills since I moved to Roslindale in 2011.
LadyGreyIcedTea t1_ix6m8wx wrote
Reply to comment by SweateeSocks in optional travel advice? by SweateeSocks
On the far right where it says "weekday schedule" click the down arrow then click "open full schedule PDF" and it will show you the schedule for the entire subway system.
LadyGreyIcedTea t1_ix6i8rf wrote
I've never been asked for anything other than registration when I go to get my car inspected. No one's ever asked for my ID to prove that I am the registered owner of the car.
LadyGreyIcedTea t1_ix6i455 wrote
Reply to comment by SweateeSocks in optional travel advice? by SweateeSocks
You're fine. You have all 4 branches of the green line you can take. The last B line leaves BC at 12:17am, the last C leaves Cleveland Circle at 12:21am, the last D leaves Riverside at 12:04am and the last E line doesn't leave Heath St until 12:47am so it will be after 1am by the time it gets to Copley.
LadyGreyIcedTea t1_ix6g554 wrote
Reply to optional travel advice? by SweateeSocks
Other than a brief period of time in 2015-16 where they piloted late night weekend service, the T has always ended between 12:30-1am in the 20 years that I've lived in Boston.
Where do you need to travel from/to?
LadyGreyIcedTea t1_ix28dn8 wrote
Reply to comment by PetzlPretzl in For people that bought single family homes in Boston or adjacent suburbs since last summer, how much are you paying per month in mortgage, taxes, insurance? by Bostonosaurus
I ended up in Roslindale after originally planning to move to JP as well. This was way back in 2011 and I was going to get a 1 BR apartment in JP but realized (it was a buyers market at the time) that I could buy for not much more than I would be paying in rent for a 1 BR. I bought a 3 BR SFH and I pay less for my mortgage (with taxes and insurance escrowed in) than most people pay for a 1 BR apartment these days.
LadyGreyIcedTea t1_iwt7q2q wrote
Reply to comment by i-dont-knol in moving to MA by allyntote
But you'd still have to get through the city. 93S from Somerville to Quincy sucks 24 hrs/day.
LadyGreyIcedTea t1_iwod19r wrote
Reply to comment by Yanosh457 in What are your thoughts on Dracut ? by EconomySeaweed7693
It's not horrible. You can get to 93 in Methuen or Rte 3/495 via the Lowell connector.
LadyGreyIcedTea t1_iwnh1uy wrote
My in-laws live in New Jersey and my MIL always says she could never live in MA because it's so much colder. The weather is essentially the same.
LadyGreyIcedTea t1_iwhim3e wrote
Reply to comment by BannedMyName in Curious about drivers merging onto the highway by EthicalBribes
I was taught way back when (2000) to put your left blinker on when merging on to the highway because it will make the cars on the highway more likely to move over for you. No idea if that's true or not.
LadyGreyIcedTea t1_iwhiedg wrote
The only highway where I can think of this happening is on 128 north of the 95 split where there are actual stop signs on the on ramp. Everywhere else no one even yields when getting on and expects other drivers to move over and let them on.
LadyGreyIcedTea t1_iw3noxj wrote
Reply to Going Skiing with BSSC by imp_924
I don't ski but I've had overall positive experiences with BSSC. I played floor hockey with them for several years and also did flag football with them one summer. I have done their white water rafting and kayaking trips in Maine before.
LadyGreyIcedTea t1_iw0q56t wrote
Reply to comment by Loose-Connection-935 in Relocating? by Loose-Connection-935
I live within Boston city limits and 12 miles from Logan. It has only ever taken me 30-45 minutes to get to the airport if I'm going in at 3:30am for a 5am flight.
LadyGreyIcedTea t1_iw0pyam wrote
Reply to comment by therealblakmark in Relocating? by Loose-Connection-935
I was just in Pepperell yesterday for a work appointment as well as nearby Tyngsboro. The families I work with who live in these towns have to go to neighboring towns for pharmacies because their towns are legit the boonies. When I drive through I always think how nice the houses are and how much land they have compared to my tiny yard but there's no way I could be an hour + away from Logan, Fenway and Gillette.
LadyGreyIcedTea t1_iupghnn wrote
I got about 6 kids. I usually get probably 75-100.
LadyGreyIcedTea t1_iufkn3m wrote
The suburbs are not the place for reliable public transportation. Especially not in the winter.
LadyGreyIcedTea t1_iufk1sx wrote
Reply to How much do you pay for rent? by Vinsantoo
I pay $1800 mortgage (which includes taxes and insurance) for a 3 BR single family house in Roslindale. My next door neighbors pay more than that in rent for a 2 BR half of a duplex.
LadyGreyIcedTea t1_iueza72 wrote
Reply to comment by jefetranquilo in cheap furniture in boston? by jefetranquilo
8/31. The day when everyone moves out and leaves all their shit behind.
LadyGreyIcedTea t1_iuekwny wrote
Reply to comment by TotallyNotACatReally in Boston Daily Discussion Thread, Sunday October 30 by AutoModerator
I voted for my dog in the primary. His name is Ozzy.
LadyGreyIcedTea t1_ixsr1dt wrote
Reply to MA tax refund- is anyone still waiting for theirs? by mmmaru28
I'm still waiting.