
t1_j2c4hw1 wrote

This is a truly lovely piece of work. As a horseman, I would say to pay attention to the relative proportions on your reference work. The individual elements of the horse's head are well done, but the overall set up isn't quite right (cheek a bit too big, face not long enough). Also the bridle isn't quite accurate, (either there is no bit, or the bit goes in the mouth), although the leather texture is great. The overall feeling of the piece is deeply moving. You are a very very talented artist, and looking to making sure your details are on point will put your work into an even higher realm. Keep on drawing!!


t1_j1nnok8 wrote

My close friends in HS were a mixed bag of Jewish/Christian/Atheist so we all got together to celebrate Saturnalia every Solstice. Gifts, games, sparkling cider, so much laughing we were sore the day after. Good times.