LandInternational966 t1_j79lt4o wrote
Reply to comment by RippingLegos in Lake Evergreen is frozen fully and we found people ice-fishing out past the fork today, we did walk out a ways and also picked up some garbage along the shoreline and ramp. by RippingLegos
No one cared if it was illegal… be free.
LandInternational966 t1_j49uah2 wrote
Reply to hiking locations? by PlantainGlobal6037
The woods. Head east, head west, you’ll find them.
LandInternational966 t1_j02rf75 wrote
Had that happen once off I90 😤
LandInternational966 t1_iwdkjc7 wrote
Reply to comment by bill_gonorrhea in Seattle students planning walkout on Monday following Ingraham High shooting by greenhousecrtv
More of a currency debasement trap, but yeah, that’s the result.
LandInternational966 t1_iwcybej wrote
Reply to comment by yellandtell in Seattle students planning walkout on Monday following Ingraham High shooting by greenhousecrtv
The two aren’t mutually exclusive.
LandInternational966 t1_iwa6rh7 wrote
Reply to comment by eli_underhill in Seattle students planning walkout on Monday following Ingraham High shooting by greenhousecrtv
Mandatory dual income households.
LandInternational966 t1_j7t0tg1 wrote
Reply to comment by L00mis in Gold deposit potentially worth $3 billion found near Republic by WashingtonPass
GLoomis? Shimano is killing the brand. Weird tangent, just saw you user name and assumed.