Landlubber77 t1_j1pvw0l wrote
Reply to TIL Douglas Engelbart never received any royalties for the invention of the mouse. In an interview he said "SRI (Stanford Research Institute) patented the mouse, but they had no idea of its value. Some years later it was known that they had licensed it to Apple Computer for something like $40,000." by whoiskamalsingh
"Gabriel told me I should've patented those little squeaky fuckers but I didn't listen."
-- God
Landlubber77 t1_j1pqeqz wrote
Reply to comment by Filmfan-2022 in muppets take mahatten thoughts by Filmfan-2022
It was a joke about Jason Takes Manhattan
Landlubber77 t1_j1o0e9q wrote
Reply to muppets take mahatten thoughts by Filmfan-2022
I just don't know how the Muppets got all the way from Camp Crystal Lake to that ship. Also, if it's gonna be called Muppets Take Manhattan, maybe have the movie spend more than just the last 20 minutes in Manhattan.
Landlubber77 t1_j1n1czu wrote
Reply to TIL that a branch of the Clan Bruce in Scotland, relatives of Robert the Bruce, emigrated from Scotland to Russia to 1647. Many families of Scottish origin were also part of the Russian Empire's landed aristocracy, including descendants of Clan Ramsay, Clan Leslie, Clan Drummond, and Clan Hamilton. by Obversa
There are supposedly also many descendants of Clan Destine but nobody has ever seen them.
Landlubber77 t1_j1kw9cv wrote
Cleans me right the fuck out, so yeah.
Landlubber77 t1_j1klc5r wrote
Reply to TIL about The Hymn to Nikkal, the oldest piece of annotated music known to history, dating from between 1400 and 1200 BCE. by Triskan
🎶 Look at this photograph...what the fuck is a photograph 🎶
Landlubber77 t1_j1brixi wrote
Reply to TIL for their size, barnacles possess the longest penis of any animal (up to eight times their body length). by AliensLoveMonkeys
20,000 leagues...from the ground!
Landlubber77 t1_j1b85ja wrote
Reply to TiL it was Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" that popularized the expression "Merry Christmas". by thewickerstan
"Every traveler has a home of his own, and he learns to appreciate it the more from his wandering." That's been my favorite quote from A Christmas Carol ever since I googled quotes from A Christmas Carol 16 seconds ago.
Landlubber77 t1_j0yhja7 wrote
Reply to TIL that in Tok Pisin, the English-based creole language spoken by millions in Papua New Guinea, the vocabularly is often unrecognizably shifted in meaning from English, for example: "as ples" [ass place -> place of origin], "maus gras" [mouth grass -> moustache], or "belhat" [belly hot -> angry] by nehala
When we were kids my older brother used to sit on my chest and arms and shove handfuls of grass in my mouth while chanting "magic cow, magic cow, magic cow!" That maus gras made me very belhat.
Landlubber77 t1_j0xkzsy wrote
I remember that group, Dr. Dre-idel did their beats didn't he?
Landlubber77 t1_j0wtwgh wrote
Reply to TIL the song 'Human Nature' by Michael Jackson was originally written by the band Toto for their album, 'Toto IV'. The only reason the song officially became Michael's is because Quincy Jones heard Toto's demo of the song and suggested that it would fit better on Michael's album, 'Thriller'. by EQOA_Fanatic
That's just a good goddamn song, man.
Landlubber77 t1_j0veusw wrote
Reply to TIL Lake Baikal is located in southeast Siberia and is the oldest and deepest lake in the world, at 25 million years old and 1,700 meters deep. It contains 20% of the world's unfrozen freshwater and is home to a rich and unusual freshwater fauna that is of significant value to evolutionary science. by wisely_lined56
If you turn off all noise in your room and listen very closely, you can just make out the sound of James Cameron somewhere cumming in his pants.
Landlubber77 t1_j0uwbx2 wrote
Reply to TIL that The sex of birds is determined by the Z and W sex chromosomes, rather than by the X and Y chromosomes present in mammals. Male birds have two Z chromosomes (ZZ), and female birds have a W chromosome and a Z chromosome (WZ). by treeofliife
Whereas sex with birds is determined by whether they're sleeping or not when I sneak up on them.
Landlubber77 t1_j0u2l4j wrote
Reply to TIL the famous Christmas song "Carol of the Bells" was written by a Ukrainian composer who is today considered a martyr by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church because he was assassinated by a Soviet agent. by [deleted]
Weirdly enough, it was a travel agent.
Landlubber77 t1_j0sfkkw wrote
Reply to TIL that in 1983, Purina's Chuck Wagon dog food was given a promotional video game for the Atari 2600 called "Chase the Chuck Wagon". It could only be received by proof of purchase labels and is considered the "Holy Grail" of Atari 2600 video game collecting. by ZootyCutie
Besides both featuring wagons, Oregon Trail and Chuck Wagon dog food gave their users fatal dysentery.
Landlubber77 t1_j0jbfty wrote
Reply to TIL that humpback whales have powerful flippers covered in sharp barnacles which they use as weapons to defend their young and fight off predators such as orcas and sharks. by Glittering-Disaster
Not unlike the pinball machine on the Titanic.
Landlubber77 t1_j06cmof wrote
Reply to TIL The 2011 prequel to The Thing (1982) primarily featured practical effects with digital effects planned to enhance them. In post-production the practical effects were almost entirely covered up by digital effects. by jamescookenotthatone
This and many other details on the next episode of "Why the 2011 Prequel to The Thing Sucked a Big Homeless Dick," Tuesdays on Spike TV.
Landlubber77 t1_j03sce1 wrote
Pascal wagered that people would take the bus, and he was right.
Landlubber77 t1_j03lsn9 wrote
Reply to TIL that roosters don’t have a penis. They pump their sperm into females using a 'cloacal kiss' by [deleted]
"Gentlemen, I have made a discovery of monumental proportions but you may ask me precisely zero questions about how."
Landlubber77 t1_izdt16j wrote
Reply to [TIL] Early in his career, Colonel Sanders, the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken, had a habit of getting into fights. He once had a shootout with a competitor, Matt Stewart. After Stewart shot and killed one of Sanders' employees, Stewart was convicted of murder, eliminating Sanders' competition. by OvidPerl
The judge deferred to Colonel Sanders on what method of execution the condemned suffer, hanging or the electric chair. Sanders replied, "make 'em extra crispy," and the chair it was.
Landlubber77 t1_iydl58g wrote
Reply to comment by Labull416 in TIL that farts travel at 10 ft/s (or 6.8 mph/3 km per hour), and a scientist who studies farts is called a flatologist by Succubus_GF_
Nobody sets out to initially, they just kind of fall gas backwards into it.
Landlubber77 t1_iybslm3 wrote
Reply to comment by EdgiPing in TIL that, to prove that a jellyfish caused Irukandji syndrome, a scientist stung himself, his son, and a lifeguard with the jellyfish. by SabreYT
Landlubber77 t1_iy8sqb7 wrote
Reply to TIL that, to prove that a jellyfish caused Irukandji syndrome, a scientist stung himself, his son, and a lifeguard with the jellyfish. by SabreYT
> One of the symptoms caused by envenomation from this particular species of jellyfish, however, is the subject denying that they are suffering from any symptoms, and therefore it was difficult to determine if they were in fact suffering from the syndrome he sought out to prove would be caused by the sting.
Lol, one of the symptoms is denying that they're suffering from any symptoms? This seems dubious.
Landlubber77 t1_iy3zujg wrote
Reply to TIL that after the battle between the USS Constitution and HMS Guerriere, the captain of the Constitution, Isaac Hull, refused the sword of surrender from the captain of the Guerriere, James Richard Dacre, saying he could not accept it from a man who fought so gallantly by alcapwnage0007
"You may keep your sidearm, Colonel."
-- Major Dick Winters
Landlubber77 t1_j1szfyu wrote
Reply to Til Boxing day in the UK has to do with a tradition of boxing up presents to give to the poor and has nothing to do with boxing the sport by Jasong222
Alexa taught me this with today's Question of the Day. The giving to the poor thing, not the boxing lol, did people think this was a holiday about the sport of boxing?