
Landlubber77 t1_j6dad8m wrote

Chill as Lauryn Hill in a Brazil Goodwill, I'm just saying a guy living to 82 isn't particularly remarkable. Even the way you're characterizing it lol, WW1 was over by 1918, he didn't have to survive the war from 1914 to the 1970s. It's not an international incident here, I just found the wording funny. He "survived well into the 1970s" as if that's at all remarkable for someone who fought in WW1.


Landlubber77 t1_j61c8sh wrote

I don't know, maybe it has something to do with the tracer rounds which help show where they're firing. Like it has to be that rate of fire to accurately show where the rounds are going? Or maybe something to do with the mechanism and having to fire that fast to have enough force to withstand the fact that the thing firing the rounds is traveling 1500 miles per hour, as is the thing it's firing at? It's also important to keep in mind I have no fucking idea what I'm talking about.


Landlubber77 t1_j5zkrmu wrote

Top Gun Maverick did a great job showing just how quickly an F-14 runs out of ammo for its Vulcan cannon. You're not gonna be up there all day blasting away, you're gonna get a few good squirts and hope it did the trick. Fucker shoots like 6,000 rounds per minute and an F-14 typically carries like 600.