Landlubber77 t1_itt3dd8 wrote
Never underestimate the power of a great trailer.
Landlubber77 t1_ir9hiuo wrote
Reply to TIL: Regina Hall (Brenda from the "Scary Movie" franchise) wanted and tried to become a Catholic Nun in 2010, but was rejected by the order. by euromonic
It's a hard habit to break (into).
Landlubber77 t1_itx282i wrote
Reply to TIL that the fragrance/perfume given as a gift to the Marquis de Lafayette by George Washington, is still produced by the same manufacturer today. The fragrance has been worn by Washington, John Quincy Adams, JFK, George Gershwin, and countless others. by mcmcplok
Getting a guy with wooden teeth laid is the only commercial your product will ever need.