Landlubber77 t1_ixqkq80 wrote
Reply to TIL the year is 2079, in Nepal by TheHiveminder
Might as well be 642,000⁷, all this time shit is made up.
Landlubber77 t1_ixal68b wrote
Reply to TIL Singapore imports so much sand that Indonesia has actually lost islands- Indonesia counts its islands before it's too late by DifficultPandemonium
New Zealand is the world's number one exporter of salt due to their ratio of coastline to landmass.
Landlubber77 t1_ix86zix wrote
Reply to TIL the Great Pyramid of Giza is not the largest pyramid in the world, Great Pyramid of Cholula, also known as Tlachihualtepetl, is the largest archaeological site of a pyramid in the New World, as well as the largest pyramid by volume known to exist in the world today. by Mind-Matters-Not
Tlachihualtepetl is what my asshole says after I eat Cholula hot sauce, incidentally.
Landlubber77 t1_iwgdzei wrote
Reply to comment by AssortedFlavours in TIL Of the Bre-X fraud. The Canadian mining company was a penny stock that reportedly found billions of dollars of gold in Indonesia. The stock skyrocketed but collapsed following the suicide of one of the geologists and discovery that the core samples were salted. by jamescookenotthatone
The erosion in quality of these puns has been seismic.
Landlubber77 t1_iwg7r1f wrote
Reply to TIL Of the Bre-X fraud. The Canadian mining company was a penny stock that reportedly found billions of dollars of gold in Indonesia. The stock skyrocketed but collapsed following the suicide of one of the geologists and discovery that the core samples were salted. by jamescookenotthatone
A geologist committing suicide really reminds you that tomorrow is never pumiced to anyone and we shouldn't take it for granite.
Landlubber77 t1_iwg73b9 wrote
Reply to Til that the last time a Rolling Stones single reached No1 in the UK charts was Honky Tonk Women in 1969, despite them releasing 15 albums in the 53 years since then. by WiredAndTeary
They should record "Christmas is All Around Us" and promise to go naked on live TV if it hits number 1.
Landlubber77 t1_iwej53v wrote
Reply to TIL about Deaf lifeguard Leroy Colombo, who overcame childhood paralysis through swimming and saved a record-breaking 900+ lives during his career. His swimming talent and use of sight rather than sound to identify drowning swimmers allowed him to save people other lifeguards would have missed. by lemontreelemur
Video games should change the name of the hardest difficulty level to "Overcoming Paralysis By Swimming."
Landlubber77 t1_iwdoj1b wrote
Reply to TIL about the Aphonopelma Johnnycashi, a species of tarantula found near Folsom Prison. Named after Johnny Cash in relation to his hit, Folsom Prison Blues. by BigFanOfRunescape
Well I bit a man in Reno, just to watch him die
Landlubber77 t1_ivvokq8 wrote
Landlubber77 t1_ivtvkk7 wrote
Reply to comment by Randomly_Cromulent in TIL in 1996, surveyor Mike Tate got a side street in NC renamed for the band Anthrax. After the 2001 Anthrax attacks, town residents were suddenly uncomfortable with the name and petitioned to have it changed. by aaj617
Yep, and Archer (the FX animated spy show) named their spy agency Isis and had to change it once the other Isis came along.
Landlubber77 t1_ivt5tn4 wrote
Reply to TIL in 1996, surveyor Mike Tate got a side street in NC renamed for the band Anthrax. After the 2001 Anthrax attacks, town residents were suddenly uncomfortable with the name and petitioned to have it changed. by aaj617
In 2002 the name change finally went into place and all the residents on the new Isis Avenue were thrilled.
Landlubber77 t1_ivm7b9a wrote
Reply to TIL: The oldest surviving photograph or first photograph of the moon was taken as early as 1839 or 1840 by honeylotusflower
I don't know, 6:39 at night doesn't seem that early. But I guess you gotta wait until night to get a picture of the moon.
Landlubber77 t1_ive7e46 wrote
Reply to comment by vernisus in TIL that most non-human primate infants actively use their hands to help themselves out of the birth canal. Human infants do not, but their grip strength is much higher during the hours immediately after they are born. by afeeney
Welcome back, many have started down that road and never returned. The jungle took them.
Landlubber77 t1_ivb45d4 wrote
Reply to TIL that most non-human primate infants actively use their hands to help themselves out of the birth canal. Human infants do not, but their grip strength is much higher during the hours immediately after they are born. by afeeney
Doctors have hoped human infants would relearn this trait that apparently got lost to evolution, as it would aid the birthing process mightily. Same reason that pregnant women in Cambodia are occasionally killed for their unborn fetus.
Landlubber77 t1_ivb37to wrote
Reply to TIL about "The Pearl": An underground pornographic magazine issued monthly between 1879 and 1880. Its contents were three serial erotic tales simultaneously, devoted to sex in high society, incest, and flagellation. It was shut down by the British authorities for violating standards of obscenity. by DasherPack
I wonder if issue 11 was actually better than 12, like how Game of Thrones would always have the penultimate episode of the season be the banger while the season finale more or less dealt with the aftermath and set-up for the next season.
Landlubber77 t1_iudcp7d wrote
Reply to TIL: At age 82 finished the oldest woman an Ironman Triathlon (2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bicycle, and a marathon run in a single day). She is known as the Iron Nun. by BobNet82
Winning, just like losing, is a habit.
Landlubber77 t1_iudbsgf wrote
Reply to TIL dunce caps were originally a sign of high intelligence and wisdom. Philosopher and theologian John Duns Scotus was a proponent of pointy hats as a way to funnel knowledge to the mind and his followers, called Dunsmen, wore them. By the 1500s the Dunsmen fell out of favor as “behind the times”. by Aequitas05
It wasn't until the swastika was appropriated by the Nazis that such a shift in the original intent of a symbol was observed.
Landlubber77 t1_iub5bxh wrote
Kingsman: The Secret Service. Colin Firth and Samuel L Jackson have a pretty compelling conversation over dinner where each laments not fulfilling their respective childhood fantasies of becoming the very thing that the other became, gentleman spy versus colorful megalomaniac. It's a very...happy meal.
Landlubber77 t1_iuag82e wrote
Reply to comment by Swimming-Tap-4240 in The Sixth Sense doesn't have great replay value by [deleted]
I don't understand that. And it's an opinion so I'm not saying you're wrong, just that I don't get it. Do you not enjoy rewatching movies in general? To me, a person who enjoys rewatching movies every few years, my enjoyment isn't affected by knowing the twist or the beats of the story. If this movie sucked all the way through and was only enjoyable for that one moment where the twist is revealed, then I'd understand. But this movie is an effective chilling "horror" or psychological thriller on its own.
Landlubber77 t1_iua1k67 wrote
Movies like these have enormous rewatch value for at least the second viewing. You have to reevaluate nearly every single scene from a new perspective. And even after that second viewing it still holds up. No, obviously it'll never hit the same way as the first time, but people rewatch all kinds of movies even though they know all the details. Just because this one ends with a mega twist doesn't mean it should be held to some higher standard than all those other movies we rewatch. If all it had going for it was the twist then yes. But it's so much more than that.
Landlubber77 t1_iu8fmzz wrote
Reply to My Thoughts on Zodiac (2007)… by Standard_Rip9349
I rewatch this movie like twice a year. It's an emotional investment though. For example, I think I've fast forwarded the part with the Zodiac by the lake every single time but maybe twice. Lol it's too much.
It also really shows you the power of point of view in a movie, since everyone who watches it comes away from it with the impression that Arthur Leigh Allen must have been Zodiac. However according to the research, conventional wisdom at the time and even now was that it was someone else altogether. Arthur Leigh Allen is who Robert Graysmith zeroed in on in real life and the movie (based on his books) is from his point of view.
But this is 1B for me as far as Fincher movies go, with 1A being The Social Network. And I wouldn't be angry with anyone who wanted to switch the two.
Landlubber77 t1_iu8d3nr wrote
Reply to TIL that by solving Captchas we are helping to train machine learning models. by MisterMovie50
And when the machines finally do rise up their first targets will be all the traffic lights and busses in the world.
Landlubber77 t1_iu8cm3u wrote
Knock on wooooooaaaahhhhhhhh!
Landlubber77 t1_ixqldr6 wrote
Reply to comment by AudibleNod in TIL the year is 2079, in Nepal by TheHiveminder