
t1_j06misv wrote

Have you read his "who is a republic" speech? Honestly its one of the most beautiful inspiring pieces of american writing i have ever read.

If you think N***** Jim was racist then you probably don't understand satire. Its like saying Orwell was a Stalinist or Kafka advocated senseless bureaucracy. The whole point is to skewer the ideology through its satirical portrayal. I mean, by no means was he "politically correct" even for his time. xD But the guy was a champion of liberty and justice for all 100%.

I mean just listen to this excerpt:

"--This Republic's life is not in peril. The nation has sold its honor for a phrase. It has swung itself loose from its safe anchorage and is drifting, its helm is in pirate hands. The stupid phrase needed help, and it got another one: "Even if the war be wrong we are in it and must fight it out: we cannot retire from it without dishonor." Why, not even a burglar could have said it better. We cannot withdraw from this sordid raid because to grant peace to those little people on their terms--independence--would dishonor us.--"

Straight up championing filipino independence and civils rights when no one else would. Speaking the truth with a sharp tongue thats still even more relevant today than it was then. Anyone who shits on Mark Twain has clearly never read Mark Twain.