
Latter_Feeling2656 t1_iuixtoy wrote

Again, they're idiots. They're not supposed to be role models. Just the opposite, in fact.

It's an important point, because it goes to why the cast couldn't "diversify." The writers just didn't have the guts to make the lesbian couple a pair of idiots, which would make them funny. When Ross dated a Chinese girl and then a black girl, the writers wouldn't let them be stupid, so they couldn't be funny, and they couldn't stay around the show.


Latter_Feeling2656 t1_iuivpyj wrote

"You're drastically downplaying the similarities to Living Single, but even if it was just the basic concept, that still makes it derivative, by definition."

One of the issues with this argument is that nothing much of Living Single was original, either. The free floating cast of peers had been long established by Seinfeld and even shows like The Golden Girls. The long-running romances come from Cheers and multiple clones. One show can't be said to copy another if they both just trace back to common ancestors.


Latter_Feeling2656 t1_iuczqle wrote

We have enough copycats of Cheers now to know that the successful ones can run pretty much indefinitely. Friends shook things up by shifting attention to Monica and Chandler, and by doing stunt casting. The Big Bang Theory just married the guys off and turned into a domestic sitcom. I think that Cheers could have just married Sam and Diane off and had Diane raise kids at home while Sam bounced back and forth between home and work. Same basic formula as worked for a lot of popular shows, including Mary Tyler Moore, Home Improvement, and Frasier.


Latter_Feeling2656 t1_itptsge wrote

The Odd Couple (Randall/Klugman version) began as a single camera show with a laugh track. They aired an episode without the laugh track, and Randall/Klugman came on at the end and asked the audience to mail in their opinions. That mail ran against the laugh track. They decided to make a change, but as Mary Tyler Moore and All in the Family were proving very popular with live audiences, The Odd Couple went that way instead of single camera/no laughs. This was being worked out in 1971, and MASH debuted in the fall of 1972.


Latter_Feeling2656 t1_isti4tv wrote

Big Bang Theory. Modern Family had a great start, but ran out of gas relatively fast for me. Big Bang had about five very funny years, got somewhat lost in the relationships for a few years, then surprisingly reinvented as a domestic comedy the last three years or so. The way it was going, Big Bang probably could have run for another 10 years if they had wanted to keep going.