
Leftblankthistime OP t1_iuioru8 wrote

Reply to comment by Chris2112 in Chris Christie? by Leftblankthistime

I wouldn’t say that- he was all show. His daily briefings with the power companies was just perception setting and there was no real policy setting as outcomes of policy for future events. No updates to infrastructure, communications gas supplies or anything like that. Other than getting in front of a microphone and going out to “survey the damage” he really didn’t do much. My power was out for a week and my fridge died when the power did come back on so I wasn’t as bad off as a lot of people - but I don’t think he did a good job at all


Leftblankthistime OP t1_iuhcxa9 wrote

He had the lowest approval rating of any governor anywhere ever - especially in his last year. Between almost going to jail and throwing his cabinet members under the bus over bridge gate and his lack of delivery of literally everything he planned to do (fixing taxes, fixing education, fixing transportation etc.) - even Trump wouldn’t go anywhere near him even after he went and kissed the ring. I’m shocked that anyone is thinking about him - even republicans


Leftblankthistime t1_iu9aoo7 wrote

As a comparison, when I was little, we might get up to D E or F names this late in the season. Hurricane Floyd was in 1999 and the hurricane that them movie “perfect storm” Hurricane Grace was 1991. Now not many were direct hits for NJ this year but according to NOAA’s National Hurricane Center, we’re up to Julia already… in 2005, 2020 we ran out of English letters and had to go to the Greek alphabet(which they changed so you won’t see Greek used anymore), so if that’s your basis for comparison, yes this year is less, but over the last 40 - 50 years, no. 10 hurricanes in a season is still a lot.


Leftblankthistime t1_its16z0 wrote

I agree that training is important especially as we age- and really why I go and applaud anyone else who does. Further to clarify and justify, I think that anyone who needs large quantities of heavy weights (+65lbs dumbbells) would need more than the average accommodation required for most routine training. The person I was replying to was hating on PF because they don’t have heavy enough weights - I was calling them out because of their attitude not because they were prioritizing their health. Thanks for being pedantic


Leftblankthistime t1_itnr2l2 wrote

For the average person… honestly if you need more, then you need a more specialized gym. I’m not training to be Dwayne Johnson’s understudy and I only do my 90 minute cross fit circuit three times a week so please forgive my lack of swole and not living up to your standards of following the whey in a total gym bro lifestyle.


Leftblankthistime t1_itnm1im wrote

Honestly planet fitness gets so much hate and I don’t know why- they have gyms everywhere and for $22 a month you can use any of them, bring a guest with you any time you want and use the tanning beds or massage table, among other perks. They’re all well appointed and clean and have all the equipment you could want and the app will tell you how full it is before you go.