LetMeSleepNoEleven t1_izth833 wrote
Reply to comment by PaulitoTuGato in Recount flips Mass. House election to Democrat by 1 vote by TurretLauncher
I think your question assumes a level of arbitrariness above what exists.
The machines are coded to read ballots in certain ways. If a ballot is damaged in some way (a crease in the target area for example), the computerized reading can be wrong.
However, if a human looks at the damaged ballot, the intention of the voter may be absolutely clear.
The hand-recount includes a process to adjudicate those.
While I think that a difference of one vote only should require a second round of review, it’s not like two people counted out a pile of cards and got different numbers. The ballots in question here are a small minority of the total ballots and it’s not a question of counting error but reading error.
LetMeSleepNoEleven t1_iztfass wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Recount flips Mass. House election to Democrat by 1 vote by TurretLauncher
I’m not sure what you’re trying to say, unless you’re intentionally erasing nuance to create a strawman.
If a count is within narrow margins a recount makes sense, because everyone knows there can be small anomalies. Everyone also agrees that there are a small number of people who commit election fraud.
What most people realize is that those anomalies and fraudulent votes are not enough to swing an election outside a very slim margin.
LetMeSleepNoEleven t1_izfdgtl wrote
Reply to Which is better day trip for this time of year - Cape Cod or mountain climb in the Whites? by kohlrabi_codex
I really enjoy the Cape off-season. It’s beautiful. But I think the physical beauty is mostly at the Provincetown end.
LetMeSleepNoEleven t1_iz2phb3 wrote
Reply to comment by Maronita2020 in Gendered Single-Occupant Bathrooms in MA by TheMajesticMoose08
There’s no law saying what bathroom someone must go to. Only laws saying that people can’t bar you from the bathroom of the gender with which you identify.
LetMeSleepNoEleven t1_iz1ceoe wrote
I don’t think you’re in the wrong.
I do think that every reply saying you should callously use gender identity to skirt the rules is in the wrong, though.
LetMeSleepNoEleven t1_iz1bq3x wrote
Reply to comment by Maronita2020 in Gendered Single-Occupant Bathrooms in MA by TheMajesticMoose08
Not sure when you worked in a group home, but that is not MA law now.
LetMeSleepNoEleven t1_iy0ior9 wrote
Reply to January visit by SanguinePenguinPete
Will you have a car available, do they like snow sports, and do you want to focus strictly on Boston itself, or the region?
LetMeSleepNoEleven t1_itvtplq wrote
Reply to Mt. Washington, Massachusetts: You could see New York (state) from here. by NorthshoreFrank
LetMeSleepNoEleven t1_itvgrbg wrote
Reply to comment by Steltek in How highways hurt boston by Ironlining
Aligning one’s fears with statistics is always a good idea!
LetMeSleepNoEleven t1_itsl1j2 wrote
Reply to comment by yyzda32 in How highways hurt boston by Ironlining
I have not actually driven in Boston much since the big dig, so I don’t have much personal knowledge of the difference. But from a driving perspective as well as a walking perspective the Expressway was hell, from my memory. Especially going to the airport.
Love Storrow Drive though. Maybe screws up the riverfront but a driving dream.
LetMeSleepNoEleven t1_itsfn6a wrote
Reply to comment by PasswordisP4ssword in How highways hurt boston by Ironlining
Indeed. That’s what I referred to above with the expressway.
LetMeSleepNoEleven t1_itrkoyj wrote
Reply to How highways hurt boston by Ironlining
I guess this looks to me like 2021 > 1969, unless I’m missing something?
The 1969 expressway is awful.
Edit: Big dig was probably not the best solution but it is a bit better than previous, it seems to me
LetMeSleepNoEleven t1_itqubo1 wrote
Reply to comment by LochnessIntelChief07 in BREAKING: The Boston city council has passed the resolution to declare Mahsa Amin’s birthday as “Boston Hijab Day” despite the backlash. by HearingAppropriate46
This is just how analogy works. They made the analogy. I pointed out the flaw, analogy-wise.
In any case, one can make analogues between two things in different systems. There’s nothing wrong with that. In each case, police killed a citizen without cause.
LetMeSleepNoEleven t1_itpixo8 wrote
Reply to comment by HearingAppropriate46 in BREAKING: The Boston city council has passed the resolution to declare Mahsa Amin’s birthday as “Boston Hijab Day” despite the backlash. by HearingAppropriate46
No. She was killed by police brutality, as he was killed by police brutality.
For Floyd, it was because of a $20 alleged counterfeit bill; for Amini it was because of a hijab.
In both cases the police are the killer. In one the hijab was the prompt and in the other the $ was the prompt.
So the hijab is analogous to the $, not to the police. The police are analogous to the police.
LetMeSleepNoEleven t1_itpicb6 wrote
Reply to BREAKING: The Boston city council has passed the resolution to declare Mahsa Amin’s birthday as “Boston Hijab Day” despite the backlash. by HearingAppropriate46
The hijab itself did not kill her, so the analogy to the police who killed George Floyd is not apt. She too was killed by police.
It would be like naming a day “$20 counterfeit bill day” in his memory.
I agree the naming of this day is inappropriate
LetMeSleepNoEleven t1_itn3a9i wrote
Reply to comment by WatchandThings in Penny Mordaunt pulls out of Tory leadership race, paving way for Rishi Sunak to become next PM | Politics News by FutureNytro
I mean, just look at the dynamic of Elon, Ye, and Trump supporting each other in their celebration of owning social media companies and Ye complaining about Biden not meeting with Musk because for whatever reason billionaires should be at the head of the table.
So, yup.
LetMeSleepNoEleven t1_isup2x8 wrote
Reply to Nursery Workers Beat and Tortured Terrified Kids in Faith United Methodist Church in Methuen. What the actual f by Educational_Sector98
I won’t believe this is fact (or not) until there is more evidence made public, but I won’t find it hard to believe if the evidence is there. Sht like this does happen, unfortunately. It will be more than sad if this is another instance.
LetMeSleepNoEleven t1_iriq0mx wrote
Reply to comment by pbredd in There have been more and more incidents of racially derogatory words being used by younger younger kids, at least here in Londonderry, NH. What’s the deal? by [deleted]
Sorry that you are learning that NH lives up to its reputation.
LetMeSleepNoEleven t1_irio1j0 wrote
Reply to comment by hardsoft in There have been more and more incidents of racially derogatory words being used by younger younger kids, at least here in Londonderry, NH. What’s the deal? by [deleted]
The dissonance is in you denying the impact of racism.
LetMeSleepNoEleven t1_irinon8 wrote
Reply to comment by hardsoft in There have been more and more incidents of racially derogatory words being used by younger younger kids, at least here in Londonderry, NH. What’s the deal? by [deleted]
No. It’s amendment for racism.
That you don’t understand the difference between ‘atonement’ and ‘amendment’ is a problem and probably one of the sources of your active racism.
LetMeSleepNoEleven t1_irina6y wrote
Reply to comment by throwawayieee in There have been more and more incidents of racially derogatory words being used by younger younger kids, at least here in Londonderry, NH. What’s the deal? by [deleted]
No. It’s in economics and urban density and inequality.
LetMeSleepNoEleven t1_irin3o2 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in There have been more and more incidents of racially derogatory words being used by younger younger kids, at least here in Londonderry, NH. What’s the deal? by [deleted]
We’re two generations on from enforced segregation. We’re still in the throes of voluntary segregation. Black communities are still targeted by policing and law.
Stop with this BS.
LetMeSleepNoEleven t1_irimnsh wrote
Reply to comment by hardsoft in There have been more and more incidents of racially derogatory words being used by younger younger kids, at least here in Londonderry, NH. What’s the deal? by [deleted]
Of course. But that’s irrelevant.
LetMeSleepNoEleven t1_irilvbd wrote
Reply to comment by hardsoft in There have been more and more incidents of racially derogatory words being used by younger younger kids, at least here in Londonderry, NH. What’s the deal? by [deleted]
Of course. That would be doubling down on racism, not amending it.
LetMeSleepNoEleven t1_iztlmwi wrote
Reply to comment by PaulitoTuGato in Recount flips Mass. House election to Democrat by 1 vote by TurretLauncher
I think it would make sense to review the ballots in question again, yes.
Edit: but the intent of some (or all) of those may be very obvious to the human eye, though not clear to a computer.
If two hand counts differed, I’d be more concerned. That might indicate that some ballots are not clearly marked for computer or for human reading.
But yes, again, I think when it’s this close, some extra scrutiny on the ballots in question is in order.