Submitted by LevelWriting t3_zug8q0 in singularity
LevelWriting t1_j1au55t wrote
Reply to comment by AndromedaAnimated in People are happy and satisfied as long as they’re not lonely by Current_Side_4024
I think this is one of the reasons why I would advocate for having kids via gene editing. there are just too many selfish idiots out there.
LevelWriting t1_j1atyog wrote
Reply to comment by AndromedaAnimated in People are happy and satisfied as long as they’re not lonely by Current_Side_4024
yeah not just that but it can also be hereditary. even depression and trauma can be passed on through generations. its so fucked up how some are just born into this condition.
LevelWriting t1_j17hqyt wrote
Needs more corruption and sociopath tendancies
LevelWriting t1_j0qabmj wrote
Reply to comment by Cult_of_Chad in Futurology sub wants to temp ban posts about AI? by NefariousNaz
cant agree more, thanks for the recommendation
LevelWriting t1_j0deztc wrote
LevelWriting OP t1_j09vu7w wrote
Reply to comment by _Gigolo_Joe_ in Character ai is blowing my mind by LevelWriting
yeah and it keeps getting better! Its crazy how 99% of people still dont know about it. I showed it to someone and they didnt beleive it was ai, they thought it was a real person.
LevelWriting t1_j096t9r wrote
Reply to comment by ILikePracticalGifts in The problem isn’t AI, it’s requiring us to work to live by jamesj
Canada turning into a real shit hole
LevelWriting t1_j05ho0s wrote
Reply to comment by Current_Side_4024 in The problem isn’t AI, it’s requiring us to work to live by jamesj
here in Canada assisted suicide due to mental health is now a thing, because hey if you cant get over your shit and contribute to society, might as well off yourself. its like a fucking southpark episode.
LevelWriting OP t1_j04zkmn wrote
Reply to comment by Regretti-Os in Character ai is blowing my mind by LevelWriting
Restart it if it goes hay wire. It's still very new so make sure to keep updated on the forum
LevelWriting OP t1_j02f57o wrote
Reply to comment by katiecharm in Character ai is blowing my mind by LevelWriting
holy shit I just found out you can enable voice and change its voice in settings!!!
LevelWriting t1_izz3lv4 wrote
Reply to comment by HuskyNutBuster in Sticky plaster for punctured lungs stretches as they expand by thebelsnickle1991
I can see the infomercial guy slapping the shit out yo lungs with that!
Submitted by LevelWriting t3_zk0qek in singularity
LevelWriting t1_izpwqwr wrote
when you whisper the word socialism, every american within a 20 mile radius can be heard screaming. its great fun
Submitted by LevelWriting t3_zh0931 in singularity
LevelWriting t1_izf15no wrote
Reply to comment by billytiger in What do you think of all the recent very vocal detractors of AI generated art? by razorbeamz
I can understand when it specifically mimics an artist exactly but when they use a ton of different sources, it's no different than what an artist does.
LevelWriting t1_izawxhg wrote
Reply to comment by billytiger in What do you think of all the recent very vocal detractors of AI generated art? by razorbeamz
by that logic most artists need to give royalties to other artists they copied to learn from. no artists is created in a vacuum. its pure fear and money, end of. if you create art and love it, and people love your art too, why would you care so much what a robot does? I love to draw and couldnt care less about ai art, no matter how good it gets. I also see people saying this is a tool and have to say it is not. A tool is what you use to help you, this pretty much replaces the doing entirely. an artist doesnt create just for the final result, its also about the process. I love to see my progress over time, what Im capable of. I'll always follow and appreciate art from my favorite artists but I also think its so silly how some of them are waging this war against ai.
LevelWriting t1_iz3a2rb wrote
Reply to comment by Conscious_Price_4240 in What do you do for a living and how can current AI tools help you be more successful? Let's share our ideas and start making use of these cool advances. by DungeonsAndDradis
dude you should write jokes that was funny lol
LevelWriting t1_iy25jnk wrote
It's so cute how some people always think a particular domain is safe from ai lol
LevelWriting t1_iy255vf wrote
Reply to comment by Heavenly_Noodles in Nvidia has created a text-to-3D generative-AI that will allow people to make high-resolution 3D models from just text prompts. by lughnasadh
Lol you really think that ai won't be able to recreate realistic vocals or video? We're maybe a year or two away from that.
LevelWriting t1_ix9uuw3 wrote
Reply to comment by tatleoat in What's coming next? The Near Future of AI is Action-Driven by visarga
Wow really? You sound pretty certain. This would be massive
LevelWriting t1_ix9mil1 wrote
Reply to comment by tatleoat in What's coming next? The Near Future of AI is Action-Driven by visarga
What about call centers? When will they finally get replaced?
LevelWriting t1_ix88my6 wrote
Reply to Technology’s next big thing: This robot will be the greatest consumer product of all time by MarshallBrain
When this robot can make any dish I want, it's game over. Imagine waking up to a scrumptious breakfast every morning or coming home to a five star meal every day.
LevelWriting t1_isqci0i wrote
Reply to comment by Radekzalenka in Apple Nears M2 iPad Pro Launch and Plans Google Tablet-Like Home Hub by Professional12x
on your head silly billy XD
LevelWriting OP t1_j1jclon wrote
Reply to comment by Scarlet_pot2 in AI will revolutionize education, anyone will be able to master any subject by LevelWriting
I think very few things require a certification these days. and yes you could learn anything for free but most of these cheap courses from skillshare or udemy are pretty shit. Also, you cannot get personalized education with an actual teacher from these courses, which can make all the difference.