
LeverLongEnough t1_ir5sjgo wrote

It’s interesting how many challenges this “easy” process still sees as it’s being designed. Quoted in the article, 30 former SpaceX engineers still find this work challenging.

To me this means probably what we already know; automation/robotics etc will favor the big players with lots of capital, and if you’re small your use-case needs to be narrow or laser-focused on one market/technology/process.

Especially for food automation it’s hard to completely remove human involvement, like for cleaning and managing restock of the machines. Still obviously major efficiency gains though.

One company I know of that wasn’t mentioned in the article is called Piestro, which is developing a pizza-making vending machine - the idea being that a pizza place could have their main restaurant and then operate a few satellite vending machines to service on a daily or almost daily basis.