
LiamTheHuman t1_iwm68de wrote

Can someone explain the bell inequality to me in terms of odds of each possibility. I've seen many videos on YouTube that give 3 potential directional measurements(north, south east and south west). They then seem to claim that the odds of getting up down down, up up down and up down up are all the same. This doesn't seem right to me because it seems like you would have equal chance of getting one up as you do of getting two ups together.

I think this is probably an artifact of a simplification but could someone explain the more complex way to get the probabilities and what each one is?


LiamTheHuman t1_irg01ms wrote

isn't the fact the the validity of recent papers is going down an indication that our balance of control over the entropy in the system is off? Like wouldn't the ideal state be that we have a growing system that maintains an equilibrium.

I suppose there could be an argument that the equilibrium point could be more permissive but if we think we are in a good state now or even that we are slightly in a bad state, isn't the only option to devote more resources to correct course?

I'm kind of just going where my mind takes me so take everything I said with a grain of salt


LiamTheHuman t1_irft1cm wrote

So I think I understand what you are saying but maybe I'm missing something. Wouldn't the overgrowth of the corruption be just as or more dangerous than the risk of using excess resources to stop it? Like isn't the outcome we are all doomed either way?