Libsoccer20 t1_jdn2irq wrote
Reply to Did you know that Pennsylvania is one of the 19 states that doesn't have an official language? by so-unobvious
Did you know we don't allow atheists to hold political office?
One of like 8 states that directly contradicts the federal constitution.
Libsoccer20 t1_j7o0jaw wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Democrats sweep special elections, affirming first Pa. House majority in 12 years by AgentDaxis
This has been the biggest change in the last almost 40 years. Education between the parties has completely flipped.
Libsoccer20 OP t1_j7h5tke wrote
Reply to comment by drunkmonkey176 in Watch Malcolm Kenyatta Explain How Jeffrey Yass Funds Pennsylvania's Right Wing Infrastructure - Pennsylvania Spotlight by Libsoccer20
They get to benefit heavily from a two tier system. Another round of trickle down taxation
Libsoccer20 OP t1_j76cocr wrote
Reply to Watch Malcolm Kenyatta Explain How Jeffrey Yass Funds Pennsylvania's Right Wing Infrastructure - Pennsylvania Spotlight by Libsoccer20
This is the same Jeffrey Yass that paid to put up all those right wing billboards across the state.
"Susquehanna founder and TikTok investor Jeff Yass has avoided $1 billion in taxes while largely escaping public scrutiny. He’s now pouring his money into campaigns to cut taxes and support election deniers." - propublica
Libsoccer20 OP t1_j4if4n8 wrote
Reply to comment by baron4406 in Pennsylvania was heavily deforested in the 1800s; mostly due to unchecked logging companies. by Libsoccer20
I lived over in Jim Thorpe for a little while and they've tried so many times fixing that.
Libsoccer20 t1_j3n47ow wrote
Reply to comment by chadhindsley in Raspberry Pi launches higher resolution camera module, now with autofocus | Alongside the company’s Camera Module 3, it’s also releasing a new module for use with M12-mount lenses. by chrisdh79
Filthy little mugblood
Libsoccer20 t1_j3m6hwt wrote
Reply to Raspberry Pi launches higher resolution camera module, now with autofocus | Alongside the company’s Camera Module 3, it’s also releasing a new module for use with M12-mount lenses. by chrisdh79
I still have my raspberry pi 3 loaded with emulators... Collecting dust.
Libsoccer20 t1_j2f5r2r wrote
Reply to comment by Booplympics in Commonwealth Court sides with Philly DA Larry Krasner in impeachment lawsuit by boundfortrees
Once people realize how much money in taxes that is being spent on BS stuff like will sway independents...whom there are more of.
Libsoccer20 t1_j2f3cf6 wrote
Reply to comment by AbsentEmpire in Commonwealth Court sides with Philly DA Larry Krasner in impeachment lawsuit by boundfortrees
Thanks for proving me right 😂 late 80s into early 90s were just as bad if not worse depending on the crime. Hip hop music helped bring a lot of this stuff to the front and the communities cleaned themselves up.. with the current rise of police brutality...again.. Plus economics.... brought it on again.
While you're at it check the statistics on the rise of crime after the last pandemic.
Libsoccer20 t1_j2ezyzq wrote
Reply to comment by RipTide275 in Commonwealth Court sides with Philly DA Larry Krasner in impeachment lawsuit by boundfortrees
Ahh.. Delco most likely... Not biased at all. 80-90s were worse in Philly. 500 a year.
Going to be a hard end to your life in Pa with millennials and gen z taking over and trending liberal as they age.
Libsoccer20 t1_j2evziu wrote
Reply to comment by RipTide275 in Commonwealth Court sides with Philly DA Larry Krasner in impeachment lawsuit by boundfortrees
Tell me you weren't here in the late 80s and 90s without telling me you weren't here.
Libsoccer20 t1_j2euze7 wrote
Reply to Commonwealth Court sides with Philly DA Larry Krasner in impeachment lawsuit by boundfortrees
PA GOP must really want to lose more elections.
Libsoccer20 t1_j29kato wrote
Reply to comment by DirtyHippyBastard in Pennsylvania not among states raising their minimum wages in 2023 by gvillepa
True. From my understanding only one Democrat doesn't take the raises.
Libsoccer20 t1_j15wxum wrote
Reply to Thanks, PennDOT. You never fail to impress me with your attention to detail. by WookieeSteakIsChewie
Roads.. Where we're going... We won't need roads.
Libsoccer20 t1_j08h7cd wrote
Reply to comment by Allemaengel in Jim Thorpe councilmember concerned over roommate zoning ordinance which would prevent people from living with unrelated roommates by saintofhate
That's exactly what I remember is the borough was solid blue.
Libsoccer20 t1_j08gx32 wrote
Reply to comment by ell0bo in Jim Thorpe councilmember concerned over roommate zoning ordinance which would prevent people from living with unrelated roommates by saintofhate
😂 seems like we're trying to go back?
Libsoccer20 t1_j08bfm5 wrote
Reply to comment by MeEvilBob in Jim Thorpe councilmember concerned over roommate zoning ordinance which would prevent people from living with unrelated roommates by saintofhate
Is Jim Thorpe Republican now? It was always very blue when I lived there... (My family immigrated to Jim Thorpe in the 1800s.)
Libsoccer20 t1_j04z3wi wrote
Reply to comment by JAK3CAL in I love trying to figure out personalized license plates. Help me with this one. by MisterBiscuitz
Gym rec. girl 🎯
Libsoccer20 t1_ize97vl wrote
Reply to Fellow Pennsylvanians, we must join our neighbors from r/Maryland to defend our territory from the Delawarean scourge! by MPA_Dad
Imma be honest .. They can have York.
Libsoccer20 t1_ivpbgoj wrote
How long will they take to take them down this year? The last cycle they left them up for almost a year.
Libsoccer20 t1_ivk7wp1 wrote
Voted. Pretty quick in my area. Everyone was in the other line for last names.
Libsoccer20 t1_ius6q89 wrote
Reply to FYI: PPL is Increasing their Electricity Rates by 18% to 14.612 cents/kWh on December 1st. This is up 53.78% YOY. by giggles-mcgee
2nd largest nuclear energy in the country and they're still all about $$$$$
Libsoccer20 t1_iuinasv wrote
Get ready for the GOP stolen election propaganda
Libsoccer20 t1_iui68gp wrote
Oz is still losing in polls.
Libsoccer20 t1_jdnrwx8 wrote
Reply to comment by susinpgh in Did you know that Pennsylvania is one of the 19 states that doesn't have an official language? by so-unobvious