
Lieutenant_Joe t1_itvtw85 wrote

LePage, Poliquin, Collins

Collins isn’t as bad as those other two (she’s selfishly evil rather than maliciously evil), but LePage is at least as bad as Palin and Bruce Poliquin forced the Maine GOP to spend 60% of their 2020 budget on trying and failing to get ranked choice voting repealed. 2020. The pandemic year. When like a third of the state’s small businesses closed their doors for good due in part to COVID restrictions.


Lieutenant_Joe t1_itbs6ha wrote

Reply to comment by 207Simone in Maine/Quebec border? by 207Simone

Last supermarket before the border is gonna be in Bingham. If you hit Caratunk or the Forks without stopping at one, there won’t be another one until you’re a few miles into Canada. Jackman’s got a general store, and a gas station, and not much else.


Lieutenant_Joe t1_isc6r0z wrote

Lobsters are crustaceans, not insects. Also, many insects do migrate (monarch butterflies, as a famous example).

These facts don’t endanger your point, as regardless of semantics, what you say is true of lobsters, but I just couldn’t resist being an asshole at least once today.


Lieutenant_Joe t1_irmm0e9 wrote

You moved there at pretty much the best time, autumn is absolutely the best season to be in that part of the state (really, any part of the state, but especially that one).

I hope the difficulties that come with our winters don’t sour the novelty of snow for you. Storms get bad in the mountains.


Lieutenant_Joe t1_irmjd5f wrote

Northwestern maine in general is absolutely beautiful, but the human element throughout much of it leaves a bit to be desired

Idk why the fuck I have to look at confederate flags in a state where we sent more of a percentage of our population to die in the civil war than any other union state


Lieutenant_Joe t1_irk5qw0 wrote

Sanford’s really funny to me

There’s all these cities and towns in York and Cumberland county that are like “we’re tired of being a shithole” and actively taking steps to clean themselves up, and then you’ve got this place that’s like “wow, what a bunch of fucking pussies. I’m PROUD of who I am” and just leans all the way in

Does look pretty though. Ya know, outside some of the human elements. Some nice trails around