Lieutenant_Joe t1_iu1bk31 wrote
Reply to comment by United_Mixture_6700 in Maine begins its removal of obscene vanity license plates by NCSUGrad2012
If you think swear words everywhere equates to idiocracy, methinks you missed the point of the movie.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_itvtw85 wrote
Reply to comment by SwvellyBents in Admit it Maine is Alaska's Mini Me by Pappa_Crim
LePage, Poliquin, Collins
Collins isn’t as bad as those other two (she’s selfishly evil rather than maliciously evil), but LePage is at least as bad as Palin and Bruce Poliquin forced the Maine GOP to spend 60% of their 2020 budget on trying and failing to get ranked choice voting repealed. 2020. The pandemic year. When like a third of the state’s small businesses closed their doors for good due in part to COVID restrictions.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_itppapp wrote
Reply to comment by whogivesashart in So...we were climbing Tumbledown this weekend and saw this... by TheMobyDicks
Username doesn’t check out. Clearly you give quite a lot of sharts.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_itmmvlx wrote
Reply to comment by Chadman in Train going over the Onawa Trestle by Chadman
Perhaps the other commenter can crosspost it there at least?
Lieutenant_Joe t1_itdpp3u wrote
Lieutenant_Joe t1_itbs6ha wrote
Reply to comment by 207Simone in Maine/Quebec border? by 207Simone
Last supermarket before the border is gonna be in Bingham. If you hit Caratunk or the Forks without stopping at one, there won’t be another one until you’re a few miles into Canada. Jackman’s got a general store, and a gas station, and not much else.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_it4cwwr wrote
Reply to Fall Foliage at Acadia National Park, Maine by James Griffiths Photography by TheWalkingBob
Brilliant idea for a sub, that. Honestly surprised it’s not run by Joe Braun Photography, considering that dude made a whole book and like half of his website about Acadia and that he takes photos like this (though… with a bit less filter…), but I’d be more shocked to learn that dude was on Reddit tbh.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_iscby68 wrote
Reply to comment by Seppdizzle in Alaska's cancellation of the snow crab season offers a grave, potential prediction for Maine's lobster industry. by combatbydesign
Planning on planting milkweed next year in our garden
Lieutenant_Joe t1_isc6r0z wrote
Reply to comment by FragilousSpectunkery in Alaska's cancellation of the snow crab season offers a grave, potential prediction for Maine's lobster industry. by combatbydesign
Lobsters are crustaceans, not insects. Also, many insects do migrate (monarch butterflies, as a famous example).
These facts don’t endanger your point, as regardless of semantics, what you say is true of lobsters, but I just couldn’t resist being an asshole at least once today.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_isbbuk1 wrote
Reply to comment by KaiRayPel in Human remains found in Acadia National Park by kittienne
You asking people not to send you that thing made it 300% more likely to happen
Welcome to the internet
Lieutenant_Joe t1_is7kxcx wrote
Reply to comment by DidDunMegasploded in Maine voters to choose governor amid economic uncertainty and social upheaval by soulc
I feel the same way about her as I do Joe Biden. “I’d rather not, but holy shit that other guy Jesus fuckin Christ”
Lieutenant_Joe t1_is7kq83 wrote
Reply to comment by TheRealLestat in Maine voters to choose governor amid economic uncertainty and social upheaval by soulc
If he gets elected and sells Baxter (currently a constitutional impossibility), I will declare war on the human race for allowing this to happen.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_is5spo7 wrote
Reply to comment by IamSauerKraut in Some Maine lobstermen build their boats more for racing than fishing by stewart0077
Just because you didn’t get it, doesn’t mean it’s nonsense.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_irmm0e9 wrote
Reply to comment by Alevans8 in Ooooh Auburn Walmart! You done it again! by grc207
You moved there at pretty much the best time, autumn is absolutely the best season to be in that part of the state (really, any part of the state, but especially that one).
I hope the difficulties that come with our winters don’t sour the novelty of snow for you. Storms get bad in the mountains.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_irmjd5f wrote
Reply to comment by sweetpeanut_ in Ooooh Auburn Walmart! You done it again! by grc207
Northwestern maine in general is absolutely beautiful, but the human element throughout much of it leaves a bit to be desired
Idk why the fuck I have to look at confederate flags in a state where we sent more of a percentage of our population to die in the civil war than any other union state
Lieutenant_Joe t1_irl49l4 wrote
Reply to comment by Alevans8 in Ooooh Auburn Walmart! You done it again! by grc207
There was an article a couple years ago about how Walmart employees at the Mexico one were caught literally raking trash down towards the nearby river bank
Lieutenant_Joe t1_irkh8hx wrote
Reply to comment by therealwolfe1982 in Ooooh Auburn Walmart! You done it again! by grc207
I honestly think Rumford-Mexico is way worse than Lewiston-Auburn, which is a distant third (Augusta’s pretty bad too)
Lieutenant_Joe t1_irk5qw0 wrote
Sanford’s really funny to me
There’s all these cities and towns in York and Cumberland county that are like “we’re tired of being a shithole” and actively taking steps to clean themselves up, and then you’ve got this place that’s like “wow, what a bunch of fucking pussies. I’m PROUD of who I am” and just leans all the way in
Does look pretty though. Ya know, outside some of the human elements. Some nice trails around
Lieutenant_Joe t1_irjyn6j wrote
Reply to comment by Present_Assistant_60 in Ooooh Auburn Walmart! You done it again! by grc207
This one in particular literally has its own Facebook page. Exclusively for posts like this.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_iu1bpxf wrote
Reply to comment by Jericson112 in Maine begins its removal of obscene vanity license plates by NCSUGrad2012
I’ve got an old plate that I bent with my elbow two or three years ago still sitting in my car.