Lieutenant_Joe t1_iui3wvz wrote
Reply to comment by MonsterByDay in Taking my (23f) SO Trick or Treating. Would anyone care? by MysticalTeamMember
The world would be better off if sticks in the mud like you weren’t here to spoil innocent fun. Fuck off with your boomer energy.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_iuhz0ql wrote
Reply to comment by MonsterByDay in Taking my (23f) SO Trick or Treating. Would anyone care? by MysticalTeamMember
So much more healthy to fill up your body with literal poison surrounded by a bunch of people you don’t know from Adam. Yeah.
Get the stick out of your ass.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_iuhymdc wrote
Reply to comment by MonsterByDay in Taking my (23f) SO Trick or Treating. Would anyone care? by MysticalTeamMember
“It’s not normal, socially acceptable behavior”
Wonder what else you say that about?
Lieutenant_Joe t1_iugg0en wrote
Reply to comment by Firm_Rock6519 in Maine by Stephen King by Jvncvs
Kinda like how most films set in Maine aren’t actually filmed here
Just googled it and apparently some of it was filmed in an apartment complex in Colorado, but yeah, most of it was in London, an airport outside London, an American legion post in SoCal, and Glacier NP.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_iuer1aq wrote
Reply to Maine by Stephen King by Jvncvs
I sometimes feel like Mainers are better at geography than the average American, and then I remember the people I went to high school with who thought Pennsylvania was a different country
Lieutenant_Joe t1_iubykhx wrote
Reply to comment by DidDunMegasploded in When do you think it's going to snow? by [deleted]
Alright, now I know you’re an asshole. I’m autistic too. I would have hoped you’d know better than to just assume someone’s brain chemistry after spending any significant period of time as an autistic person on the internet, but I guess not. Whatever your last response is gonna be is none of my business; you’ve been my only waste of time in this whole thread.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_iubwfoi wrote
Reply to comment by DidDunMegasploded in When do you think it's going to snow? by [deleted]
>nothing has ever sucked more than this poor attempt at a Reddit comment
That was either sarcasm, or you’ve lived an extremely privileged and sheltered life and aren’t one to be calling anyone’s intelligence into question.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_iubq9m2 wrote
Reply to comment by MoxiousMouse in When do you think it's going to snow? by [deleted]
I’m not vilifying them. But we can talk about it; I will say they’re the least likely to struggle in life based on what they were born as, rather than their personalities, accomplishments and every other thing that makes them an individual. The rest of us have to deal with various degrees of “You suck and I wish you didn’t exist”, often from/influenced by people in power. There are obviously people who wish straight white male christians didn’t exist, but they generally aren’t people who have the ability to influence the quality of life of entire demographics. Not in this country.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_iubjkvg wrote
Reply to comment by DidDunMegasploded in When do you think it's going to snow? by [deleted]
Reddit’s broken my brain; I interpreted your first paragraph as not sarcasm and started formulating a response, and it took me 10 seconds to realize
Think imma put the phone down for the night
Lieutenant_Joe t1_iubj7ns wrote
Reply to comment by scorpiogre in When do you think it's going to snow? by [deleted]
I get it. But I won’t be caught dead using it, and I don’t like seeing people punished for not using it.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_iubhct2 wrote
Reply to comment by scorpiogre in When do you think it's going to snow? by [deleted]
Sorry, but I’m of the opinion that sarcasm stops being funny when you have to explain that it’s sarcasm. I’ve largely stopped using it on this site because Reddit now immediately assumes you’re being sincere without the /s, even if you’re as obvious as you possibly can be.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_iubgsl6 wrote
Reply to comment by sheeponabowl in When do you think it's going to snow? by [deleted]
Also, just as an addendum to something I said earlier: I didn’t remember the context of the downvoted sarcasm I saw yesterday tbh, so I checked just to get my facts straight, and it was actually a very political comment on a very political post. I still think it was glaringly obvious, though.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_iubg3jg wrote
Reply to comment by scorpiogre in When do you think it's going to snow? by [deleted]
Lieutenant_Joe t1_iubfopi wrote
Reply to comment by TraditionalPiccolo28 in When do you think it's going to snow? by [deleted]
You’re fine. I’m just sick of the “we’re all in this together” line. Sure, that might be true, but some people are trying to throw others off the raft based entirely on what they were born as rather than who they’ve become. I desperately wish those people weren’t in here with the rest of us. It fuckin sucks.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_iubd4bi wrote
Reply to comment by TraditionalPiccolo28 in When do you think it's going to snow? by [deleted]
I doubt they’re sorry. I wouldn’t be.
You were one of two comments who responded to me at the same time, and I immediately started arguing with you while immediately relenting with the other person because you said something that annoyed me: “we’re all neighbors here.”
When I was growing up, one of the people I rode the bus with was a self-proclaimed white nationalist. Still is one, last I checked, which was a few months ago. I moved within that town at one point and got new neighbors, but one of those was a family of Californians who hate anyone who isn’t like them and have logged to erasure a public trail system on private property in the town after buying the property from the old, infirm lady who used to own it.
Do not ask me to be pleased about calling nationalistic xenophobes my “neighbors”. Those people don’t want us to exist, man.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_iubb27l wrote
Reply to comment by TraditionalPiccolo28 in When do you think it's going to snow? by [deleted]
I don’t see how that comment was turning anything into a debate beyond cracking a joke about the election that’s coming a week from now. Although I guess we’re currently debating the merits of a joke. That’s not really a political debate, though.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_iubaj2o wrote
Reply to comment by sheeponabowl in When do you think it's going to snow? by [deleted]
After I made my reply calling it out, the comment jumped from -10 to -1, so I’m gonna try to do it every time I see it from now on.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_iub9uja wrote
Reply to comment by sheeponabowl in When do you think it's going to snow? by [deleted]
Alright, well, the one yesterday wasn’t political, and it’s not like it’s an uncommon occurrence. Forgive the immediate assumption. I’m pretty sick of seeing it happen here.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_iub8c6f wrote
Reply to comment by TraditionalPiccolo28 in When do you think it's going to snow? by [deleted]
Sorry, man, but I simply don’t respect the “don’t make it political” take in 2022. If you’re anything but a straight, white, male Christian (or the wife of one) in this country, your fucking existence is political.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_iub5ngm wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in When do you think it's going to snow? by [deleted]
Obvious sarcasm.
This is twice in the last two days I’ve seen this sub downvote someone because it doesn’t understand sarcasm.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_iua3nkt wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Money in politics by riefpirate
Because he made the Maine GOP spend 60% of its budget in 2020 on trying and failing to get ranked choice voting repealed while a third of the state’s small businesses shut down due to Democrat COVID policy. Anybody who’s dumb enough to miss such a golden opportunity for the sake of his own ego straight up doesn’t deserve to win, especially against someone like Jared Golden who makes a genuine attempt at appealing to everyone in spite of how polarized we’ve become. If Bruce wins anyway, then Maine’s second district fucking deserves him.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_iu5tpjy wrote
Reply to comment by GuanoLoopy in Six Degrees of Separation, Maine Edition by SheSellsSeaShells967
Threadwinner ☝️
Lieutenant_Joe t1_iu4d5wq wrote
Reply to comment by SodaFlavoredSweat in Spotted in Wales. Please vote Nov. 8th because this guy will, too. 😑 by Chamelion117
Your sarcasm was obvious. This subreddit gets really pissed off when you call it on how bad it is at reading sarcasm, too, so you’re not getting those upvotes back.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_iu1c320 wrote
Reply to comment by United_Mixture_6700 in Maine begins its removal of obscene vanity license plates by NCSUGrad2012
What are you on, man? I want some.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_iui4zpk wrote
Reply to comment by MonsterByDay in Taking my (23f) SO Trick or Treating. Would anyone care? by MysticalTeamMember
The first and third are uncomfortable for children/others, but an Easter egg hunt is usually a private event, so DOUBLE fuck you for judging people for how they have fun—often as a family—in their in their own time.