Lieutenant_Joe t1_j2d864p wrote
Lieutenant_Joe t1_j25elkm wrote
Reply to comment by BARRYTHUNDERWOOD in If a person was the living embodiment of Maine, what would they look like and what would they wear? by Pleasentplayer1230
My dad knew that guy
Lieutenant_Joe t1_j23bnsq wrote
Reply to hello to all my fellow insomniacs by yeetalus
I’m not even an insomniac (well, I am, but), I’ve been at work for an hour lmao
Lieutenant_Joe t1_j154qn6 wrote
Reply to My turn! by weakenedstrain
Oh so that’s what that was? I literally just ignored that message cuz I smelled a scam. Glad to get that confirmed
Lieutenant_Joe t1_j0hm06v wrote
Reply to comment by monsterscallinghome in Maine Will Have a New Minimum Wage Beginning on January 1st by Shake-Spear4666
As a matter of fact, they would!
Lieutenant_Joe t1_j0hl4cu wrote
Reply to comment by Shake-Spear4666 in Maine Will Have a New Minimum Wage Beginning on January 1st by Shake-Spear4666
There were a few years at the beginning of last century where it wasn’t like that
Lieutenant_Joe t1_j0gm2n1 wrote
Reply to comment by mlo9109 in Maine Will Have a New Minimum Wage Beginning on January 1st by Shake-Spear4666
I currently work at target. They’re paying three dollars more an hour at the Walmart just down the road.
Education wages in this country are a global laughingstock.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_j0gf8w0 wrote
Reply to comment by 404-GeezManIDK in Maine Will Have a New Minimum Wage Beginning on January 1st by Shake-Spear4666
Yeah, no, I haven’t seen a job offering paying this in awhile. Even the stingiest employers are paying 14 an hour by now. They literally would not be able to hire an unemployed guy across the street if they paid any less. Most places are doing 15 at a minimum.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_j0cz9so wrote
Reply to comment by poteetjim in Really Maine? by poteetjim
“My mommy never taught me how to take an L”
Lieutenant_Joe t1_j09qzbk wrote
Reply to comment by marshal1257 in Are ticks growing claws now?! by KillaVNilla
Alright, mr. 52 years old.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_j08a1f3 wrote
Reply to comment by poteetjim in Really Maine? by poteetjim
>complains that the internet used to be funny
>calls a random person an incel
“I just don’t understand why everyone’s so hostile around here”
Lieutenant_Joe t1_j089rgo wrote
Reply to comment by Kr00kTV in Really Maine? by poteetjim
Sift through the comments a bit and you’ll find out.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_j081b3f wrote
Reply to comment by marshal1257 in Are ticks growing claws now?! by KillaVNilla
Guy, you’re the only downvoted person on the whole thread. You’re really gonna tell me “everyone else understood it”?
These things literally exist in New England, contrary to your original comment.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_j07miqg wrote
Reply to comment by marshal1257 in Are ticks growing claws now?! by KillaVNilla
Maine is in New England, dude. You said “I live in New England so I don’t have to worry about creepy crawly shit like this.”
How old are you? You must be pretty young if you live in New England and don’t even know all the states in this region.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_j07hpcl wrote
Reply to comment by poteetjim in Really Maine? by poteetjim
Hooooly shit, dude. Whatever upvotes you might get from your post are gonna be nullified because you can’t take any heat. This is some weak shit.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_j06bkq2 wrote
Reply to comment by marshal1257 in Are ticks growing claws now?! by KillaVNilla
…this photo was taken in maine
Lieutenant_Joe t1_j041dyo wrote
Reply to comment by ppitm in Lubec: "Where a Mysterious Power Pervades Everything" by Porcupine-Baseball
Well, the second largest whirlpool in the world is a stone’s throw away, so that tracks
Lieutenant_Joe t1_j01zynm wrote
Reply to Creationism in Maine schools? by Shell58
Creationism might as well have been banned in all the schools I went to growing up. Graduated 2015. Anyone who talked about it got a more polite version of the “you’re stupid, shut up” treatment from whatever teacher was there. They weren’t teaching religion and they didn’t want students teaching other students their religion either. This was in rural central maine.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_izikmap wrote
Reply to comment by BigE1263 in Please Bring the Amtrak To Bangor by PhiloBlackCardinal
Trust me, dude. Maine would absolutely rather be a stop on Massachusetts’ trips than their destination
Lieutenant_Joe t1_iyk3zgw wrote
Reply to comment by LaChanz in Restaurants by the Maine Mall? by RoyalRootersRallyCry
My great grandmother used to love Friendly’s. The start of the franchise’s slow death coinciding with her passing feels fateful.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_iyhp0ye wrote
Reply to comment by dbl9790 in What’s the best burger in Portland? by rickrossmightgetya
It is, compared to their other food. But I had to know, and I don’t regret it
Lieutenant_Joe t1_iyfp1ie wrote
Best one I’ve had was at Eventide. But I haven’t explored that much of Portland’s scene. Will say it makes my top 5 burgers ever.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_iydzvwm wrote
Reply to comment by Guygan in What places on the best place to work list are actually best places to work by [deleted]
Happened to my workplace this year.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_iyccjmq wrote
Can’t tell you about my current town, but if you go to Litchfield on Small Rd, there’s always two really huge displays; one’s right next to the road and one’s on top of an open hill. The houses are owned by a father (on hill) and son (by road), and they make their ranch-styles the prettiest buildings in town for like two months out of every year.
Lieutenant_Joe t1_j2ddydq wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Feel safe by Kazbob48
Look, man, I’ve been to a lot of places in this world in my short life. It may not be some sort of idyllic utopia to you, but the fact that people can just do stuff like this here and not expect it to go wrong most of the time is a pipe dream for many Americans who live anywhere outside of Maine and Vermont. Like, some would never even consider it a real possibility for society to get to that level of trust. If OP told this story to someone who’s never left the Midwest, they might not even believe it.