
Lieutenant_Joe t1_j2ddydq wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Feel safe by Kazbob48

Look, man, I’ve been to a lot of places in this world in my short life. It may not be some sort of idyllic utopia to you, but the fact that people can just do stuff like this here and not expect it to go wrong most of the time is a pipe dream for many Americans who live anywhere outside of Maine and Vermont. Like, some would never even consider it a real possibility for society to get to that level of trust. If OP told this story to someone who’s never left the Midwest, they might not even believe it.


Lieutenant_Joe t1_j154qn6 wrote

Reply to My turn! by weakenedstrain

Oh so that’s what that was? I literally just ignored that message cuz I smelled a scam. Glad to get that confirmed


Lieutenant_Joe t1_j07miqg wrote

Maine is in New England, dude. You said “I live in New England so I don’t have to worry about creepy crawly shit like this.”

How old are you? You must be pretty young if you live in New England and don’t even know all the states in this region.


Lieutenant_Joe t1_j01zynm wrote

Creationism might as well have been banned in all the schools I went to growing up. Graduated 2015. Anyone who talked about it got a more polite version of the “you’re stupid, shut up” treatment from whatever teacher was there. They weren’t teaching religion and they didn’t want students teaching other students their religion either. This was in rural central maine.


Lieutenant_Joe t1_iyccjmq wrote

Can’t tell you about my current town, but if you go to Litchfield on Small Rd, there’s always two really huge displays; one’s right next to the road and one’s on top of an open hill. The houses are owned by a father (on hill) and son (by road), and they make their ranch-styles the prettiest buildings in town for like two months out of every year.