LightThatIgnitesAll t1_j5bso2y wrote
Reply to comment by Bushgjl in Avatar: The Last Airbender (Live action T.V. Series Adaptation). by [deleted]
Misunderstandings sure but >!the peaceful monk who was reluctant to kill the big bad in Ozai just a few weeks ago is now considering killing one of his best friends.!<
LightThatIgnitesAll t1_j5brtc9 wrote
Reply to comment by Bushgjl in Avatar: The Last Airbender (Live action T.V. Series Adaptation). by [deleted]
Yeh but the character writing was pretty bad. >!Aang considering killing Zuko in this comic in his discussion with Roku makes no sense. He didn't even talk to Zuko at this point. It ruins a major part of the finale of the animated show.!<
LightThatIgnitesAll t1_j5bnmxr wrote
>This is going to sound like a super dorky complaint, but I'm disappointed that they won't be adapting the comics.
Don't worry most of them are pretty mediocre. The Search is the only one that would be worth adapting.
LightThatIgnitesAll t1_j25c1p8 wrote
Reply to What's your favorite TV crime series? by Cr7-Cr7Real
Breaking Bad, The Sopranos, The Wire, Monk and Person of Interest.
LightThatIgnitesAll t1_j1pzcf4 wrote
Reply to comment by Whiplashxe in Which series got better and better every time a new season got released? by uzaira6789
The first season Natalie was introduced was a bit rocky as they needed to properly build the chemistry between her and Monk. After that season it was back on form.
LightThatIgnitesAll t1_j1pl795 wrote
Reply to And then there were none is a fantastic miniseries and one of the best Agatha Christie adaptation by Successful_Gate84
It's great. One of the best mini-series.
Those Agatha Christie series are best to watch around the christmas holidays.
LightThatIgnitesAll t1_j03w7z2 wrote
Reply to comment by AldousKing in ‘Our Flag Means Death’ Season 2 Wraps Filming by MarvelsGrantMan136
Not a big fan of Taika so I wern't surprised I didn't enjoy this.
LightThatIgnitesAll t1_iy8lwuy wrote
Reply to comment by ClipClipClip99 in Big Bang Theory, worst character? by Head-Drag-1440
He really used to piss me off and put me off the show but unlike the others he actually has growth and betters himself.
LightThatIgnitesAll t1_iy14q1b wrote
I found her to be an okay character at best. I have no clue why some people love her. The way they got to together was also pretty meh.
LightThatIgnitesAll t1_ix8juz5 wrote
Reply to What should I do by pirro29
Prison Break fell off hard after season 1 and then got even worse after season 2. As long as you finished S1 and S2 you are good.
Vikings falls off quite badly too towards the end of S4. As long as you have finished seasons 1-4 you are good.
Breaking Bad gets better and better. I recommend continuing as the pacing does pick up. It is a very good show throughout.
>a lot of other less known shows. Even try watching a single episode it's difficult, because the tought of watching it gets me so bored that I never start to watch. What would you do in this case?
It's not ideal but maybe put some scenes in 1.25x or 1.5x speed. At the end of the day all that matters is if you enjoy the show, it isn't an assignment.
There are many shows people love that I thought were pure crap and dropped. Some I forced myself to watch and just ended up wasting my time. Media is subjective.
Who knows maybe you might enjoy them some time later. They just aren't for you now.
LightThatIgnitesAll t1_iun9jg7 wrote
Reply to 'The Winchesters' plot holes and retconning might be a sign that the story takes place in an alternate universe from 'Supernatural' by sundaynightheat99
That explains the plot holes and retconning in S6-15 then. Those seasons took place in an alternate universe.
LightThatIgnitesAll t1_iua1vcs wrote
Reply to comment by Autisthrowaway304 in Opinion | ‘House of the Dragon’ and ‘The Rings of Power’ Both Use Diverse Casting. One of Them Does It Better. by Solid_Rice
>Most filming takes place in London where the majority of the british/african descended population live so they get opportunities that elsewhere would be snapped up by Asians.
There's more asians in London than black people. By quite a large gap.
>probably helps that nobody gives a fuck about Asian diversity, while african diversity is appealing to any potential american audience.
And that's what people are calling out. It really isn't "diverse" if they only care about seeing black people and not asians (or other groups).
LightThatIgnitesAll t1_iu9tfon wrote
Reply to comment by WordsAreSomething in Opinion | ‘House of the Dragon’ and ‘The Rings of Power’ Both Use Diverse Casting. One of Them Does It Better. by Solid_Rice
Yes and I said "that's what it means."
LightThatIgnitesAll t1_iu9ohok wrote
Reply to comment by WordsAreSomething in Opinion | ‘House of the Dragon’ and ‘The Rings of Power’ Both Use Diverse Casting. One of Them Does It Better. by Solid_Rice
That's what it means but that's not how the term is often used when talking about media.
LightThatIgnitesAll t1_iu3u8us wrote
- The Avatar and The Firelord (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
- The Rains of Castamere (Game of Thrones)
- Bastogne (Bamd of Brothers)
- I Live Here Now (The Leftovers)
- That Day/Midnight Sun (Attack on Titan)
- Face Off/Ozymandias (Breaking Bad)
- Free Churro (Bojack Horseman)
- Swan Song (Supernatural)
- The Ends of the Earth (Clannad)
- Exodus Part 3 (LOST)
- My Finale (Scrubs)
- Homecoming (Heroes)
- Chicanery/Bad Choice Road (Better Call Saul)
- End of the Prologue (Vinland Saga)
- This Person x and x This Moment (Hunter x Hunter)
LightThatIgnitesAll t1_itl6h2g wrote
I think GOT S1 is much better.
- I was able to get attached to the characters
- The story felt like it progressed naturally and wasn't just jumping from major event to major event.
- The dialogue was incredible.
- I liked following Ned as a protagonist
- I also really enjoyed seeing multiple houses: Stark, Baratheon, Lannister and Targaryen rather than just focusing on one house. That isn't a knock on HOTD as that is the show's entire point.
- There was great humour.
- Everything made sense and there was no point where I thought any of the writing was poor.
LightThatIgnitesAll t1_j5btj5f wrote
Reply to comment by Bushgjl in Avatar: The Last Airbender (Live action T.V. Series Adaptation). by [deleted]
>It makes sense though because Zuko would not relinquish the colonies to the Earth Kingdom, and was going to fight and kill more people for them right after losing a wa
>From Aangs perspective he might have replaced one monster with potentially another
Aang's view on one of the members of the Gaang changing that quickly in a negative way also seems OOC.
>being a child and lacking perspective this makes sense
Yes it does but he has always lacked perspective because he would take too much of a positive view on things not a negative one.