
t1_j1pnqsl wrote

There are different levels of "DUI" and it has certainly become more draconian across the world, especially in the US in efforts to keep roadways safe.

The NHTSA wants to set the "Legal Limit" from .08 down to .05 Interestingly - when they reduced the legal limit from .10 to .08 - alcohol related roadway fatalities increased.

99.99%+ of people who drink and drive make it to their destination without hurting anyone, without killing anyone and without causing property destruction.

With that said - we certainly need tough measures in place to keep dangerous drunks off the roads, what we have done to do so has been to tarnish constitutional rights. (4th amendment, 6th amendment)

To put things into perspective - in some states drowsy driving causes more harm/death than drunk driving - do we arrest people for being tired? No.

In other states distracted driving is far more deadly - especially for teenagers - do we arrest kids and lock them up for being on their cellphone while driving? No.

Across the country the leading singular factor in roadway fatalities is speeding. Should we arrest every individual who exceeds the posted speed limit by 1 MPH + ?

Everyone is quick to pass laws and judgement on others, and all seem to always be in favor of stricter laws to prevent tragedies from happening, the future might well be that we will all be under a police state, if we aren't there already?

Don't drink and drive.