I’ve always wanted kids, and I found a partner that felt the same. Even with that, I had my first child in 2021, and he is my heart and soul, but these past two years have been some of the most challenging in my LIFE. If someone doesn’t want kids, absolutely more power to them, and they shouldn’t have kids, because I can’t imagine going through all this after never having wanted it in the first place. Being a parent is HARD and kudos to those people who have recognized that it’s not something they want. Everyone is entitled to choose how they live their lives, and having kids isn’t the only option to be happy!
Lillylum t1_je80r2v wrote
Reply to LPT: If a single friend of yours has said they don’t want children, don’t start asking them if they’ve changed their mind if/when they find a partner. by dubdoll
I’ve always wanted kids, and I found a partner that felt the same. Even with that, I had my first child in 2021, and he is my heart and soul, but these past two years have been some of the most challenging in my LIFE. If someone doesn’t want kids, absolutely more power to them, and they shouldn’t have kids, because I can’t imagine going through all this after never having wanted it in the first place. Being a parent is HARD and kudos to those people who have recognized that it’s not something they want. Everyone is entitled to choose how they live their lives, and having kids isn’t the only option to be happy!