Live_Marionberry_820 t1_jabiop3 wrote on February 28, 2023 at 6:02 AM Reply to What’s the best album to listen too when you’re pissed off? by GoldenTurkeyFeet I Brought You My Bullets. You Brought Me Your Love. -MCR Their debut album and their best (imo). Written shortly after the events of September, 11th 2001. Permalink 1
Live_Marionberry_820 t1_jabiop3 wrote
Reply to What’s the best album to listen too when you’re pissed off? by GoldenTurkeyFeet
I Brought You My Bullets. You Brought Me Your Love. -MCR Their debut album and their best (imo). Written shortly after the events of September, 11th 2001.