LongjumpingCheck2638 t1_ixda3zu wrote
Reply to Another stroll around the North End by Phat_Irish
Giovanni's art on the back of Artu's bar is one of my favorite pieces in the city. You should try to capture it with your camera if every in there
LongjumpingCheck2638 t1_ivoxlw9 wrote
Reply to "1949, the day before Shanghai fell to communists, this mother and daughter finally received their boat tickets to Taiwan. When the boat departed, their faces radiated with happiness" by AmericanBornWuhaner
Great photo. Stay independent Taiwan. You are recognized
LongjumpingCheck2638 t1_iuiz3qb wrote
Reply to Students dress up for Halloween in the 70's by Ssj2luffy
and now I have little people nightmares to look forward to when I sleep
LongjumpingCheck2638 t1_iuiqt3t wrote
Reply to My mum in the mid 90s by Girlygirlkittenlove1
Your mum's beau looks like Nic Cage right after snorting a full 8-ball of blow. Guessing the wax museum?
LongjumpingCheck2638 t1_iuinnu9 wrote
Reply to Don’t go to Stanza dei Sigari if you don’t want to be roofied. It happened to my fiancé after we talked to a guy for hours and i turned my head for one second, next moment my fiancé says she doesn’t feel ok and asks to leave and starts stumbling by [deleted]
Been going there for years. NEVER have I heard anything to this effect. It's a fun joint, definitely not for everyone but one thing is for sure - it's one of the safest spots in the city. The locals don't tolerate nonsense and douches in there
LongjumpingCheck2638 t1_iuhrdgd wrote
Reply to Boston kids in 1975. by SeasonedTimeTraveler
in the early 80's we had a crew and if we dressed like that we'd not survive 24 hours. North End perhaps?
LongjumpingCheck2638 t1_iy551m4 wrote
Reply to Lumber Worker and His Wife (1939) Part Two by AccomplishedCry2020
Is it me or is that pipe just not big enough for this dude?