
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j3fir40 wrote

it's already been decriminalized for recreational use. let's stop this farce of the whole medical thing. I won't say the FDA and formal medical doctors are the end all be all of medical care, but I certainly trust them more than the average NJ voter to decide what should count as medicine and to pass medical laws. The idea of these weed doctor's offices was a joke


Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j2faan9 wrote

The point is how are those people making their living? Are there other ways to do so? We can't continue to live the way we have been and need to encourage people to live with fewer emissions. Changing the way we live includes changing the way we earn our money. They may be just as working class, but are they are as environmentally friendly?


Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j2a9ykt wrote

Ehhh it still serves the purpose of making electric cars more attractive. I take it these are sold for less than retail, not more, correct? It serves the function of making them cheaper for consumers. But lol, I'd never buy Tesla used. Well i wouldn't buy one at all, but especially not used and the way you are so connected to Tesla services.


Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j1pbtd7 wrote

Well I mean what's your job, how many hours do you work? how stressful or enjoyable is the job. How much is required on average to invest in education to get your job? The answers you are getting on here are answering the question "is $73K a good budget to live off of in NJ?" Nobody is answering "is $73K a good salary for job X?" because we don't know what job X is. They are two different questions. A salary can be extremely adequate for living off of but a shitty salary for the job. Based on the comments, it seems you are seeking the answer to the second question.


Longtermthrowaway5 t1_ixpc9il wrote

Nah, a proper one is meant to be able to be a to go sandwich. You simply can't do a yolk like that as a to go sandwich, way too messy. You'd only be able to make one like this if dining in or doing it yourself at home. I'm not disputing whether or not it is better tasting, but if it's not quick and easy handheld food for that always on the go commuter Jersey life, it's not a proper sandwich. A proper sandwich would be wrapped in paper and would be leaking yolk because it was squeezed into the sandwich wrap if it was cooked like that.


Longtermthrowaway5 t1_ixpbqib wrote

No, no, no. People! We gotta draw the line somewhere. This "hey look, it's a pork roll/Taylor ham sandwich, give me karma" shit has to end. This isn't a name debate comment. We gotta come together and tell people no, you aren't going to abuse us, and the great holiday of Thanksgiving for some karma farming. For fuck sake, it's on white bread that looks like it's from a bag. Like bro, if it's not a kaiser roll or a bagel, it's not acceptable as a breakfast sandwich in New Jersey.

As I write this, it has 121 upvotes. I beg of you my fellow Jersey people, put a stop to this. Say no to such low effort karma farming and especially such low effort sandwiches and take a stand! Speak up and downvote so that actual good posts and good sandwiches make it to the front page.
