Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j3fir40 wrote
Reply to Let Marijuana Patients Grow NJ! by swissarmyspliff
it's already been decriminalized for recreational use. let's stop this farce of the whole medical thing. I won't say the FDA and formal medical doctors are the end all be all of medical care, but I certainly trust them more than the average NJ voter to decide what should count as medicine and to pass medical laws. The idea of these weed doctor's offices was a joke
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j2w5b8g wrote
Reply to comment by Jsnooots in The Battle of Princeton occurred 246 years ago today, ending in a small victory for the Colonials. After the battle, Washington moved his army to Morristown, and with their third defeat in 10 days, the British evacuated southern New Jersey by rollotomasi07071
wait, why's it obvious there wasn't a lake there 246 years ago?
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j2w58a0 wrote
Reply to The Battle of Princeton occurred 246 years ago today, ending in a small victory for the Colonials. After the battle, Washington moved his army to Morristown, and with their third defeat in 10 days, the British evacuated southern New Jersey by rollotomasi07071
trying to start another jersey border argument disguised as a history lesson. I see you.
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j2fr1bp wrote
you can find taylor pork roll in the boars head case of any standard super market in arizona, this isn't a big find. i was excited the first time i noticed, then i noticed it wasn't a big deal
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j2fau53 wrote
Reply to comment by polchickenpotpie in Anyone else find it ridiculous electric cars are not taxed in NJ? by Obvious_Ad9670
Would this not be an example of someone weaseling out of paying taxes they should be paying if the idea is they write off the cost of the vehicle on their taxes? Would someone who has money to flip cars not be in the upper class?
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j2faan9 wrote
Reply to comment by aden_feifdom in Anyone else find it ridiculous electric cars are not taxed in NJ? by Obvious_Ad9670
The point is how are those people making their living? Are there other ways to do so? We can't continue to live the way we have been and need to encourage people to live with fewer emissions. Changing the way we live includes changing the way we earn our money. They may be just as working class, but are they are as environmentally friendly?
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j2b4mra wrote
Reply to comment by verifiedkyle in Anyone else find it ridiculous electric cars are not taxed in NJ? by Obvious_Ad9670
I can see that, I based my assumption on the idea that supply isn't THAT constrained and demand can relatively easily be persuaded to go with an another electric vehicle,, but I do realize Teslas are much different than the average. In this regard.
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j2a9ykt wrote
Ehhh it still serves the purpose of making electric cars more attractive. I take it these are sold for less than retail, not more, correct? It serves the function of making them cheaper for consumers. But lol, I'd never buy Tesla used. Well i wouldn't buy one at all, but especially not used and the way you are so connected to Tesla services.
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j1pbzjf wrote
Reply to comment by anonymous_plus_ultra in is 73k good in new jersey? by anonymous_plus_ultra
That is extremely aggressive. great if you can afford it, but that's too harsh for most people's budget.
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j1pbtd7 wrote
Reply to is 73k good in new jersey? by anonymous_plus_ultra
Well I mean what's your job, how many hours do you work? how stressful or enjoyable is the job. How much is required on average to invest in education to get your job? The answers you are getting on here are answering the question "is $73K a good budget to live off of in NJ?" Nobody is answering "is $73K a good salary for job X?" because we don't know what job X is. They are two different questions. A salary can be extremely adequate for living off of but a shitty salary for the job. Based on the comments, it seems you are seeking the answer to the second question.
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j1gnqjf wrote
not pictured: lease is up January 2 2023
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_iy5tcid wrote
you could just buy a newspaper instead
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_ixpc9il wrote
Reply to comment by storm2k in Turkey Still Half Frozen So I Made The Only Other Thanksgiving Meal Acceptable in New Jersey by PurpleSailor
Nah, a proper one is meant to be able to be a to go sandwich. You simply can't do a yolk like that as a to go sandwich, way too messy. You'd only be able to make one like this if dining in or doing it yourself at home. I'm not disputing whether or not it is better tasting, but if it's not quick and easy handheld food for that always on the go commuter Jersey life, it's not a proper sandwich. A proper sandwich would be wrapped in paper and would be leaking yolk because it was squeezed into the sandwich wrap if it was cooked like that.
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_ixpbqib wrote
Reply to Turkey Still Half Frozen So I Made The Only Other Thanksgiving Meal Acceptable in New Jersey by PurpleSailor
No, no, no. People! We gotta draw the line somewhere. This "hey look, it's a pork roll/Taylor ham sandwich, give me karma" shit has to end. This isn't a name debate comment. We gotta come together and tell people no, you aren't going to abuse us, and the great holiday of Thanksgiving for some karma farming. For fuck sake, it's on white bread that looks like it's from a bag. Like bro, if it's not a kaiser roll or a bagel, it's not acceptable as a breakfast sandwich in New Jersey.
As I write this, it has 121 upvotes. I beg of you my fellow Jersey people, put a stop to this. Say no to such low effort karma farming and especially such low effort sandwiches and take a stand! Speak up and downvote so that actual good posts and good sandwiches make it to the front page.
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_ixiywjm wrote
Reply to comment by Apprehensive-Sun-236 in Why doesn't NJ develop public indoor parks for the winter months? by histrionichippo
Then putting in lights outdoors would be cheaper than a new indoor park.
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_iximjsn wrote
Cause you can still use outdoor parks easy enough? It's not Canada or even Boston.the snow generally melts down before spring.
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_ixah9ts wrote
Reply to comment by tomandshell in Why video game sourced movies are bad by 47-D
play the new battletoads reboot. by far the best part are the cutscenes. the beat em up gets stale pretty quick. the whole game is designed to feel like a game based off a cartoon show, but there is no cartoon.
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_ix76oi5 wrote
all of them?
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_ix5hkul wrote
Reply to comment by jskis23 in We need self service as an option. by jskis23
can you name a single self serve gas station that also has full service? it will go away.
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_iufscxh wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in ASPCA had my friend's "reported lost" microchipped cat. They rehomed it to another family and tried to get the microchip changed. Now another family own's the cat. by [deleted]
We're getting off track from my point.
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_iufrvvu wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in ASPCA had my friend's "reported lost" microchipped cat. They rehomed it to another family and tried to get the microchip changed. Now another family own's the cat. by [deleted]
Right that's what should happen.
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_iufqs8r wrote
Reply to comment by luccieighteen in ASPCA had my friend's "reported lost" microchipped cat. They rehomed it to another family and tried to get the microchip changed. Now another family own's the cat. by [deleted]
I'm not sure it would be considered theft. Sounds more analogous to a pawn shop reselling something that was stolen. Still not allowed, but not theft.
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_iudolxy wrote
Reply to anywhere to buy unpasteurized milk by [deleted]
The Amish farmers market on rt 27 in Princeton sells it for pet food.
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_iu5xc73 wrote
If the line for departures is shorter than arrivals tell your friend to go to departure drop off instead. Departures are busy early and arrivals are busy late, so I'll do the opposite. Middle.ofnthe day is a wash
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j3fittz wrote
Reply to comment by zstandig in Let Marijuana Patients Grow NJ! by swissarmyspliff
that's grossly over simplifying things. like making crystal meth is just chemistry