Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j6fs61l wrote
Reply to comment by Artystrong1 in Fried eggplant and fried raviolis. Don't get more NJ than this. @Talicerios in Middletown. by Artystrong1
But will they slim down the price?
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j6abjtl wrote
Reply to comment by Educational_Paint987 in Fried eggplant and fried raviolis. Don't get more NJ than this. @Talicerios in Middletown. by Artystrong1
Oh I'm not saying it started there, just that it's a thing they are known for. I guess I misunderstood you then. What did you mean when you said it doesn't get any more nj than that?
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j6a70pf wrote
Reply to comment by Artystrong1 in Fried eggplant and fried raviolis. Don't get more NJ than this. @Talicerios in Middletown. by Artystrong1
If you don't know, then why did you say it is?
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j6a6ujr wrote
Reply to comment by Educational_Paint987 in Fried eggplant and fried raviolis. Don't get more NJ than this. @Talicerios in Middletown. by Artystrong1
Yea, they call them toasted raviolis. I don't specifically ever recall seeing them on a menu in Jersey. Not to say they don't appear, but I've never heard it as a Jersey thing, unless you really want to stretch NJ being Italian to mean all Italian related food is characteristically NJ
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j69dmvv wrote
Reply to comment by skankingmike in After viewing the Tyre Nichols murder videos, are there any police reform protests happening in New Jersey this weekend? by billmurrayspokenword
That's not what you said,. But ok
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j696dhg wrote
Reply to Fried eggplant and fried raviolis. Don't get more NJ than this. @Talicerios in Middletown. by Artystrong1
Fried ravioli is a Jersey thing? I associate that with st Louis
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j695ezw wrote
Reply to comment by skankingmike in After viewing the Tyre Nichols murder videos, are there any police reform protests happening in New Jersey this weekend? by billmurrayspokenword
Lol that's not even how you get hired as a cop. They aren't voted on. But sure there's better systems. Like democracies where protest is allowed. You are saying we are better off not allowing protests in our democracy?
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j694j1n wrote
Reply to comment by skankingmike in After viewing the Tyre Nichols murder videos, are there any police reform protests happening in New Jersey this weekend? by billmurrayspokenword
Only one person can win, what does everyone else who is dissatisfied do at that point?
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j5wdyhn wrote
Reply to Large Dog Rentals by zaada_
I thought this was going to be about renting a dog
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j5vple5 wrote
Reply to Do I have to give 30 day notice of moving from a month to month rental with no lease? by Anterabae
If you don't have a lease and no oral agreement specifying that and you are moved out, you should be fine I'd assume
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j4a74s1 wrote
Reply to comment by Direct_Wasabi5091 in Let Marijuana Patients Grow NJ! by swissarmyspliff
because if you refer to the original comment I made, it was a criticism of the type of doctors that put writing marijuana prescriptions front and center on their advertising and signage. The ones who are often used by people who want a medical marijuana card for recreational use rather than a pressing medical need. That's what I was talking about
and on the other subject, you criticized all other drugs as being a scam that keeps people sick when people need to use them indefinitely and don't cure a disease. is insulin a scam? is medicine used to regulate blood pressure a scam? My point is, just because it isn't intended to cure a disease doesn't mean the doctors/medical industry want you sick. As you pointed out, marijuana is a drug that is not intended to be cure anything but rather be used indefinitely.
You are not applying the same logical reasoning to marijuana that you are to other drugs.
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j4a55nx wrote
Reply to comment by Direct_Wasabi5091 in Let Marijuana Patients Grow NJ! by swissarmyspliff
but how often do weed doctors ask their patients to get off it? Do they often suggest regular follow up appointments after they prescribe a medical card? or are they not very concerned if people stay on the medication indefinitely?
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j4a4nqq wrote
Reply to comment by Direct_Wasabi5091 in Let Marijuana Patients Grow NJ! by swissarmyspliff
I specifically said medical marijuana, so that would fall under prescription medicine. I'm including marijuana obtained with a medical card, pills, and all other prescription medicine when i say the average drug.
My point is, lots of people don't get off medical marijuana, does that lead to the conclusion it makes them sick? if not, why do you arrive at that conclusion for other prescribed drugs? if there is no money in curing people does that mean the medical marijuana business wants to keep you down?
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j4a3xqg wrote
Reply to comment by Direct_Wasabi5091 in Let Marijuana Patients Grow NJ! by swissarmyspliff
Sorry, I guess I didn't make it too clear, I was referring to drugs prescribed by a doctor.
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j3k340p wrote
Reply to comment by Mysticpoisen in Let Marijuana Patients Grow NJ! by swissarmyspliff
How did the state cause you to be scared of a plant? And who said prohibition is helpful?
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j3k1zx8 wrote
Reply to comment by Mysticpoisen in Let Marijuana Patients Grow NJ! by swissarmyspliff
I disagree it's a meaningless symbol. I think State endorsement is a meaningful symbol. You have so many people who think it is legal to use marijuana in the state when it is still against federal law and illegal to use in the state. While some people understand the distinction between state and federal law and how they interact, many people hear "New Jersey legalized marijuana" and assume use is legal in the state when in fact it isn't.
But yea, the farce of medical marijuana is silly and dumb. As you point out, there are no controls on quantity of medication to take or anything. We all know the majority of people used medical cards to obtain recreational marijuana. so why is it limited to medical marijuana patients and not for everyone?
And right, all of that has to do with the cannabis cultivation being described in the petition, not gardening. Hence why I said gardening is a poor choice of words.
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j3jrj62 wrote
Reply to comment by Mysticpoisen in Let Marijuana Patients Grow NJ! by swissarmyspliff
I've added plenty of context in other comments in this post. I never claimed it isn't gardening, I said it's a gross oversimplification. It's an accurate statement, just like saying producing crystal meth is just practicing chemistry. But they both omit important context. You can look up my. Other comments about how i take issue with trusting the general public over medical experts on deciding public health policies. And to add on to that I think it's a bad idea to trust the general public with unsupervised product and distribution of prescription medicine.
Now if they called cultivating recreational/non-prescription medical marijuana simply gardening, I feel that needs a lot less context.
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j3hhdp0 wrote
Reply to comment by dethskwirl in Let Marijuana Patients Grow NJ! by swissarmyspliff
I disagree. I think the poster I replied to was not being helpful to the conversation by grossly over simplifying the activity and leaving out important context. I think pointing out this shortcoming is useful to promote a conversation that includes necessary context
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j3hg8qm wrote
Reply to comment by polchickenpotpie in Let Marijuana Patients Grow NJ! by swissarmyspliff
Nancy Regan? How old do you think I am? You sure I wasn't in diapers while she was relevant?
I'm not on a soap box talking about the dangers of marijuana either. I was talking about the dangers of leaving medical policy decisions to the public rather than to experts. Alcohol is not prescribed as a treatment for anything and doctors very often advise against consumption. I'm not sure of the relevance alcohol has to the conversation. You seem to be confusing the issue of recreational marijuana with medical marijuana. And that's my point. Voters often vote on medical marijuana issues as if they are recreational marijuana issues.
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j3hedmd wrote
Reply to comment by dethskwirl in Let Marijuana Patients Grow NJ! by swissarmyspliff
I made it clear that my criticism was the over simplification of what they wrote. So I was making an analogy in the literary sense, not a legal sense. I agree, they are dissimilar legal situations.
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j3hbtbp wrote
Reply to comment by Direct_Wasabi5091 in Let Marijuana Patients Grow NJ! by swissarmyspliff
So how often do people with medical marijuana cards get off marijuana? More often then the average drug?
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j3hbdq7 wrote
Reply to comment by dethskwirl in Let Marijuana Patients Grow NJ! by swissarmyspliff
And how are growing those things relevant to the discussion? Is there a reasons you didn't mention more commonly home gardened plants like tomatoes or basil or sunflowers? Is it because the use of the plant as a drug is relevant to the conversation? It's like simply calling it gardening removes some important context, huh.
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j3ha6d5 wrote
Reply to comment by polchickenpotpie in Let Marijuana Patients Grow NJ! by swissarmyspliff
Right, so you are saying I should trust actual experts who do studies. That's what I'm saying. I trust actual experts over the general public. That's why I'd rather leave it to the FDA or the experts over a public referendum or otherwise trust the decision to the general public. I'm confused with what you are trying to tell me. Should I trust the experts or should I trust the general public more?
But the effectiveness of weed as a medicine is a completely different conversation than the one around weed doctors. I'm talking about the doctor's offices where they seem to be operating around the cure first then look for symptoms to fit the cure. The ones people recommend when people ask where they can easily get a .medical marijuana card without having a particular illness they need to treat. The ones where they advertise something weed related on their signage or advertising campaign and who suggest very few other treatments other than marijuana.
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j3fsxyl wrote
Reply to comment by NPHMctweeds in Let Marijuana Patients Grow NJ! by swissarmyspliff
So are you saying I didn't grossly oversimplified the production of crystal meth? Or are you saying calling growing medical marijuana simply gardening isn't a gross oversimplification? I think both are similar in the sense that they grossly oversimplify the production of the drug and the reasons for it.
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j6fsu6t wrote
Reply to comment by Artystrong1 in Fried eggplant and fried raviolis. Don't get more NJ than this. @Talicerios in Middletown. by Artystrong1
I did mean that because I thought that's what you were referring to that makes it really new Jersey-like. That still doesn't make sense to me though if you are talking about the style of sandwich. I wouldn't say NJ is particularly known for piled high bun sandwiches. I'd say it's either breakfast sandwiches or sandwiches on a sub roll, but not particularly this style.