LostFireHorse t1_j7oplwl wrote
Reply to comment by jardanovic in [WP]The young teen hero has called you, one of the oldest villains crying, apparently from what you could hear, their parents killed their dog from not doing a chore and kicked them out since they are gay, and then they ask if they could live with you by zWol42
Go get 'em, Boneyard!
LostFireHorse t1_j6gy825 wrote
Reply to comment by AShellfishLover in [WP] The person you're dating comes to dinner to meet your family. But the instant you step in the door, your grandmother goes deathly pale, and shouts the name of a creature from her country's folklore. by Affectionate_Bit_722
This was fantastic, and the foreign language I had no subtitles for made it more mysterious, more emotional.
LostFireHorse t1_j263uik wrote
Reply to comment by MrGrizzlyy in [WP] You are a villainess and you have a favorite C-class heroine to mess with. One day, you accidentally injure her to the point of disbarment from the hero society. You nursed her to health until she is healthy but, your favor turned into an unhealthy obsession and you don't want her to go back. by RavenousOwlhead
No no no, you can't just suddenly make at least one of them look and sound like her falling into a lesbian relationship. goes and takes a very cold shower
Yelling from the bathroom: "^^^THIS ^^^ISN'T ^^^HELPING!! ^^^I'LL ^^^BE ^^^IN ^^^MY ^^^BUNK "
LostFireHorse t1_j1t5v5f wrote
Reply to comment by phaser_on_overload in Meet the amateur astronomer who found a lost NASA satellite by jarvedttudd
It's the magic of buffer time
LostFireHorse t1_j1fuy50 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in "BLOOD SPORT: The Bondi Gay Murders" (2009) - the tale of the Bondi Beach murders. Lasting for over 10 years, with 30 to 90 victims, the organized hunt for gay men remains one of Australia's darkest secrets. Most of the identified culprits, including a major sports star, remain untouched. [00:54:19] by BurtGummer1911
You need professional help mate.
LostFireHorse t1_iukahbp wrote
I bet he just wanted an excuse to wear a pretty dress in public. I know I have a few times.
LostFireHorse t1_itz5ma3 wrote
Reply to comment by MrsPancakesSister in Deep Fried Apple Pie [I ATE] by Teelk3007
I vaguely remember a creme egg something but I'm not sure if it was a pie, mcflurry, or maybe both. The apple and custard one was soooo good but I havent seen them do it for years. Like my other favourite promo items it seems to be a one-and-done, never to be seen again. Like the El Maco. Actually I think they've brought that back once in 20 years, maybe I'll get another one in my 60s lol (I'm in my 40s now).
LostFireHorse t1_ityxtzc wrote
Reply to comment by MrsPancakesSister in Deep Fried Apple Pie [I ATE] by Teelk3007
I didn't like 'em, too sweet (for me) even for maccas pies. I do wish they'd bring back the apple and custard ones though. mmmmm
LostFireHorse t1_isvp5bq wrote
Reply to comment by Hemingbird in [WP] I (23M, human) asked my Orc gf (22F) to stop deadlifting my familymembers when she comes over for the holidays because it made me look small and weak. Now she and the rest of the family keep forcing me to run laps and lift whole roasted hogs when I visit for orc holidays. AITA? by Sidaige
LostFireHorse t1_irq2mna wrote
Reply to comment by sadnesslaughs in [WP] A vampire has worked at the local 7-11 for the past 5 decades. No one has the heart to call the vampire out or slay them. A little because they're such a good employee, mostly because they think they're doing such a good job hiding the vampirism when they're really not. by Avalon_88
I like Reggie. He's good people.
LostFireHorse t1_jcdua1n wrote
Reply to comment by ChevroletSparkSS in [WP]The Wishmaker's Key. It's like the Monkey's Paw, but instead of just flat out granting your wish (and doing it in the worst way possible), it only opens up the most reasonable opportunity to get what you wished for. by xxDubbz
Catherine walks into our protagonists office and with a smile introduces herself.
"Hi, I'm Cat. I'm new here," she says...
Fuck it, close enough :)