Loud_Perspective_312 t1_j6jbyjt wrote
Hello, I am new to this subreddit. I've always tried to get into reading but never found my fav genre. In past years I tried to read something but could evaluate my accurate preference so pls help.
So till now, I have read at least 5-7 books by Sudha Murthy. She's my fav author and I like how she engages in stories. The majority of her books contain 17-25 short stories based on her life events and in parallel to the story engage opinions of her own and her surroundings. What I like about her reading is I can relate to her emotions and understand also the books are easy to read for me.
So now u must have figured out what I mean. Pls leave recommendations accordingly I'm open to mystery, real-life kinda genre and an easy read
Loud_Perspective_312 t1_j6jece1 wrote
Reply to comment by Loud_Perspective_312 in Weekly Recommendation Thread: January 27, 2023 by AutoModerator
Also I forgot to .mention that I'm still a teenager so pls recommend accordingly