
t1_j9xoog2 wrote

I recently scored over 100 rap albums on vinyl, part of about 500 mixed from a mini collection. They came from a "recovering" drug addict. He is pretty f'ked up to say the least. I learnt about the "left over" records through a good friend of mine, who listned to tons of hip hop (grafitti artist). He ended up living on the streets abusing grass and booze and is now socially not stable for "normal living" He luckily didnt turn to meth and other chems, like the guy I got the discs off.. so while still messed up, is in a better better place. Back to topic: I've been listening through a couple of the disks..

I'm open to almost all music, collect loads of vinyl (many Genres) and I did occasionally find some creative beats and sounds /ideas which are worth it to some point, BUT I have never heard such vile derogetory filthy lyrics in my life as I did on some of those discs.. Pointless slandering of Women, Rape, killing, tough guy rubbish. *I will try find rhe track which stood out and edit in the bottom..

I do think its safe to say that THAT phase of Rap is certainly not as predominant in todays form (I dont keep an an eye / ear open to the genre) - Point being, I would not go as far as banishing ALL Rap under the same banner.

There are some really good artists out there who live healthier and cleaner lifestyles than I do.. btw I prefer electronic music (Techno etc) so this is just my simple opinion.