Lovat69 t1_itk1g5i wrote
Reply to "All Spaniards, we discovered, knew two English expressions. One was ‘OK, baby,’ the other was a word used by the Barcelona whores in their dealings with English sailors, and I am afraid the compositors would not print it." by SlitchBap
Five dollar suckee suckee. Ten dollar anything you want.
Lovat69 t1_isrebv2 wrote
Reply to comment by Outragedfatty in Just made mozz sticks and they made me think about the ones Tracks had. I miss that spot by 169partner
It is, I've been there.
Lovat69 t1_isrea81 wrote
Reply to comment by michael_p in Just made mozz sticks and they made me think about the ones Tracks had. I miss that spot by 169partner
They reopened you know...
Lovat69 t1_irq45rf wrote
Reply to JetCycle Max Hydrofoil Is a Water Bike That Glides and Flies Over the Water by giuliomagnifico
Is this a fucking ad?
Lovat69 t1_irko9ix wrote
Reply to comment by Ok_Extreme_6512 in China has secret station in NYC as part of network to track dissidents by solo-ran
Still sucks.
Lovat69 t1_iri8zqz wrote
Like, is this true? I was just reading an article of the same thing happening in Canadian cities where the ccp were calling them "service" centers but neither one really came from what I would call reputable sources.
Lovat69 t1_iqzbr86 wrote
Reply to Why No Roman Industrial Revolution? by Magister_Xehanort
I'm no historian and this is a very off the cuff answer with next to no sources. But according to my history teacher. When you have slaves you don't need an industrial revolution. There's no impetus to bother with all the work of setting up the complicated logistics it requires.
Lovat69 t1_iu139ae wrote
Reply to comment by _Maxolotl in BlackRock HQ in NYC stormed with pitchforks. by helloworld_141
There were mulitple pitchforks. it just seems like less because one person was holding three at once.