
Loveroffinerthings OP t1_j5g9wwk wrote

The grift is always asking for money, community fundraising, putting out there that they’ve raised tens of thousands of dollars for a new place, but a new place never comes. I’ve seen like 10 new places open in PVD/Cranston that are small low key places, not sure who would be requiring tens of thousands down to open a space. I have no allegiance with AS220 and only know them as a supportive community space for BIPOC and LBGQT community members, not sure what they would do to a restaurant moving into their space for the owner of Bintimani to be so hateful towards them.


Loveroffinerthings t1_j4o8jmu wrote

I’ve been liking the wings at the Mew’s in Wakefield, the smoked wings are hit or miss, but the regular wings are really good. Big, meaty, and good variety of sauces.


Loveroffinerthings OP t1_j41fii1 wrote

Maybe it’s because I’m from a small town, but even when living in major northeast cities, there wasn’t the same entitled vibe. I don’t expect people to do things for me, I actually have a low expectation of others doing things for me, but if I do something, it’s nice to be acknowledged, and not ignored. It doesn’t ruin my day/week/life but it does make me post things like this, where when I say people overseas or in other parts of the country do not act as entitled, Rhode Islanders down vote it.


Loveroffinerthings OP t1_j3yv049 wrote

I’ve lived all over the northeast, down into DC metro, Florida, mid-west, and Mountain West. I get that people in the northeast are more direct, but that’s not the sense of entitlement I’m talking about. It the “you should be doing XXX for me because I feel important”. You mention the snow blowing, last year I shoveled out my neighbors drive twice, they saw me, and said nothing, even when we had that blizzard. RI is not like any other place that I’ve lived, not even other parts of the Northeast, like Vermont.


Loveroffinerthings OP t1_j3x5dty wrote

That’s true, it’s dangerous the way some stop. That merge in 37 in Cranston where they replaced the bridge has a stop sign now, it’s been about 4 times I’ve been stopped waiting for clear traffic and people will come to a stop to let me in. Coming to a stop there is crazy dangerous, not sure where that was taught in drivers Ed, but it is common to hold up a line of traffic to let one person go.


Loveroffinerthings OP t1_j3wsf4w wrote

It’s not really about people doing what they want, it’s thinking that what I’m doing as a nicety, should be expected from me. That’s why I use the holding the door example, because I could be a self absorbed dick and let the door close in their face, but I don’t, then to be ignored for holding up my day, even if for 5 seconds, is the entitlement. I’m all for people doing what they want as long as it’s civil and doesn’t harm others.


Loveroffinerthings OP t1_j3wrqc8 wrote

I mean, holding the door for ppl, letting them get ahead of you in line at the grocery store if you have 83 items and they have 2, letting ppl be a few minutes late to strict appointment times, donating my time and money to charities, I’d say my karma is pretty high. What my post is about, is ppl taking that for granted. I donated about $1000 to a local PVD charity, and didn’t get an acknowledgment, only a letter for tax purposes. I don’t donate for attaboys, but it would be nice to know that the charity received the funds, not just ignore it. In my business, my time is money, so when we say please arrive at 10am, and it’s 10:05 and we send a message asking where you are, you shouldn’t say, just leaving, be there in 10 minutes. Maybe I’m just too high strung in my platitudes about being a genuine nice person, that I feel others should reciprocate.