
Lowkeylowthreadcount t1_j5fhbos wrote

Supremely confused as to why there isn’t a recreational dispensary in JC yet. The whole bullshit wringer they threw all the applicants through to apply for the license seemed to be extremely over the top for no reason. Meanwhile there’s places in Fort Lee and Bloomfield that compare to places on the west coast. Make it make sense. Oh wait nvm Hudson county is just corrupt as fuck.


Lowkeylowthreadcount t1_j2pxnjw wrote

My friend got charged 10k for going to Christ hospital thinking he needed stitches. They ended up just cleaning the wound and sending him home. Got a bill for 10k, would avoid at all costs


Lowkeylowthreadcount t1_j0m04cu wrote

In the amount of time it took you to compile this, you could have driven to Teaneck hot bagel, gotten the best bagel of your life, and driven back.