I'll summarise what I read in the article. The study found that girls and boys talk the same amount and start talking at about the same age, and that apparently parents don't talk more to girls than boys. They still don't know why girls have larger vocabularies. What they did find out is that parents talk more often to their children after their children start talking, regardless of the gender of their child.
LoyalaTheAargh t1_iz1ewpe wrote
Reply to Baby girls babble their way to bigger vocabularies sooner than baby boys, but it’s not because parents talk to them more, instead parents appear to talk more to young children who themselves are already talking, regardless of their gende by giuliomagnifico
I'll summarise what I read in the article. The study found that girls and boys talk the same amount and start talking at about the same age, and that apparently parents don't talk more to girls than boys. They still don't know why girls have larger vocabularies. What they did find out is that parents talk more often to their children after their children start talking, regardless of the gender of their child.