Luked0g44O t1_j5ttg4w wrote
Reply to My girlfriend poked me in the eyes... by c0dyw0dy27
Third Eye Blind?
Luked0g44O t1_j5s8x3g wrote
Reply to My girlfriend poked me in the eyes... by c0dyw0dy27
I did Nazi that coming.
Luked0g44O t1_j26trui wrote
Let’s see, there are the U.S. Virgin Islands, the British Virgin Islands, but no Greek ones. Hmm…….
Luked0g44O t1_j26t56p wrote
Reply to comment by Independent-Way5465 in Did you know, there are no canaries in the Canary Islands? by MaygarRodub
BBC news, or bbc history?
Luked0g44O t1_j26sydh wrote
Reply to comment by No_Competition_6989 in Did you know, there are no canaries in the Canary Islands? by MaygarRodub
You’re thinking of Jamaica, mon.
Luked0g44O t1_j26sq9a wrote
Reply to comment by nsciullo in Did you know, there are no canaries in the Canary Islands? by MaygarRodub
This guy is walking along the beach, and happens upon an attractive young woman, lying on her beach towel, but having no arms or legs. She begs the man to stop, he does, and the pair begin to chat. The gal very quickly steers the conversation towards relationships, and admits that she has never been held by a man before. He, being the sensitive gentleman that he is, kneels down, and tenderly hugs the girl for a half minute. She thanks him, but quickly admits that she has never been kissed by a man. Once again, he obliges her graciously. She then immediately tells him, “I’ve never been fucked by a man before!” Gently, he scoops her up in his arms, and carries her to the edge of the water. With a grunt, he heaves her into the surf, and calls out: “There, NOW you’re fucked!”
Luked0g44O t1_j0zo0tu wrote
Reply to comment by Inner_Simon in A woman was 3 months pregnant when she fell into a deep coma and woke up after about 10 months by fhqwhgadsz
Dafoe, DeNiro.
Luked0g44O t1_j0zmlrf wrote
Reply to comment by Grizicus in A woman was 3 months pregnant when she fell into a deep coma and woke up after about 10 months by fhqwhgadsz
Are the ant hole’s spouses Aardvarks, more commonly known as anteaters?
Luked0g44O t1_j0zm751 wrote
Reply to comment by jeg-groans in A woman was 3 months pregnant when she fell into a deep coma and woke up after about 10 months by fhqwhgadsz
I think, in some of the British-speaking countries, they actually spell it, Denice, you know, like defense vs. defence?
Luked0g44O t1_j0zlub3 wrote
Reply to comment by ThaneOfCawdorrr in A woman was 3 months pregnant when she fell into a deep coma and woke up after about 10 months by fhqwhgadsz
Just Aaron on the side of caution?
Luked0g44O t1_j0zedlh wrote
Reply to A woman was 3 months pregnant when she fell into a deep coma and woke up after about 10 months by fhqwhgadsz
It’s not defeat, it’s de hands!🤣
Luked0g44O t1_j0nm75k wrote
Jesus walks into a motel office, drops three nails onto the counter, and asks the manager, “Can you put me up for the night?”
Luked0g44O t1_j0nlqfb wrote
Reply to comment by tigellebotongum90 in Judas: Hey Jesus, are you coming to the Last Supper? by MudakMudakov
That one sure cut deep!🤣
Luked0g44O t1_ixlrqeb wrote
Reply to comment by sriracha4przdnt in Jesus and his disciples walk into a restaurant by riverjack_
Buddy Hackett and Jonathan Winters.
Luked0g44O t1_ixlrjq6 wrote
Jesus walks into a motel, tosses three nails down onto the counter, and asks the manager: “Can you put me up for the night?”
Luked0g44O t1_j5tucsf wrote
Reply to comment by c0dyw0dy27 in My girlfriend poked me in the eyes... by c0dyw0dy27
They are a musical group.