The numbers relative to each word in the chart represent how many songs are named with that word/syntagma or how many songs contain that word/syntagma?
What’s the country/language frame? Are the data counting only the songs made in the US, or they are also counting the songs written and published in English from other countries?
What’s the time frame, or what’s the oldest song of the data?
Because of #2 and #3, I’d also like to say how misleading/English-centered this title “of all times” can be
LustfulBellyButton t1_jc81mg7 wrote
Reply to comment by spicer2 in [OC] The most common song titles in music by spicer2
I did’t get the methodology.
The numbers relative to each word in the chart represent how many songs are named with that word/syntagma or how many songs contain that word/syntagma?
What’s the country/language frame? Are the data counting only the songs made in the US, or they are also counting the songs written and published in English from other countries?
What’s the time frame, or what’s the oldest song of the data?
Because of #2 and #3, I’d also like to say how misleading/English-centered this title “of all times” can be