Lyrehctoo t1_j7cqkid wrote
Reply to comment by CityBird555 in Educator move to Hartford? by Massive_Fault862
CREC would be a good place to check for openings as they operate charter schools in several different towns. You might find a position that will have similar diversity to say Hartford schools without actually having to travel into and out of Hartford every day - traffic can get horrendous at times.
Lyrehctoo t1_j6lhl1z wrote
Reply to comment by teknic111 in I’m homeless living in my car and today I got a flat tire. by Adventurous_Air2867
Last time I was there, they charged $7. They said the service was free and the charge was only for the plug.
Lyrehctoo t1_j1ks516 wrote
Reply to comment by oldbigbones in Best Italian food in ct? by [deleted]
That reminds me of Marino's in Middletown. You would walk right into the kitchen to pick up your order from a little old Italian grandma. It closed ages ago and the family tried reopening sometime in the last few years but it didn't compare.
Lyrehctoo OP t1_iuk1juu wrote
Reply to comment by Pancrat in "you got candy?" by Lyrehctoo
Also, my first trick or treater tonight came up just as I was coming out to sit on the step. He saw my kids heading out. When he got to me he said "where's the candy?" But he was like 4. Not 16. I laughed . His mom said from behind him "what do you say?" And he said "please?" "thank you?". So I asked him "what are you out doing right now?" "Walking!" OMG he was so cute!
Lyrehctoo OP t1_iuk11jg wrote
Reply to comment by Pancrat in "you got candy?" by Lyrehctoo
After, I thought I should have said "yes" and shut the door. They're just taking a survey, right? JK. That definitely would have gotten my pumpkins smashed
Lyrehctoo OP t1_iuk0tin wrote
Reply to comment by DuckWaffles in "you got candy?" by Lyrehctoo
Nice! I wish I could afford to give out full size! We get a lot of kids here. Hope you got a kind you like in case not too many come
Lyrehctoo OP t1_iujyive wrote
Reply to comment by Chef_de_Stein in "you got candy?" by Lyrehctoo
It wasn't at the ready.
Lyrehctoo OP t1_iujygdm wrote
Reply to comment by LizzieBordensPetRock in "you got candy?" by Lyrehctoo
Mine were asking as soon as they walked in the door from school
Lyrehctoo OP t1_iujydwr wrote
Reply to comment by OpelSmith in "you got candy?" by Lyrehctoo
I do now. Do you?
Lyrehctoo OP t1_iujyapi wrote
Reply to comment by tobiasrfunke in "you got candy?" by Lyrehctoo
It was still in my car in the shopping bag so my kids (or myself) wouldn't get to it. I wasn't ready and found it rude to 1. Be so early 2. Light wasn't on. 3. Asked like that
Lyrehctoo t1_iqx61tw wrote
Reply to comment by UnnoticedShadow in OK Time for You to Go to Bed! by JPPT1974
I am seeing this at 3pm and immediately thought "you know, I actually could go for a nap right about now"
Lyrehctoo t1_j7e09ji wrote
Reply to comment by gameguy360 in Educator move to Hartford? by Massive_Fault862
As a parent of a 12 year student in the CREC system, I can say, at least in the 3 schools my daughter has attended, it was definitely more diverse than if she had attended school in the town we lived in.