MDNTNWK t1_iw6fhw8 wrote
Reply to I like it here by samjhill
You dont think it'd kill us to have like a peir or center of activity right? Like a times square? Closest we have is four corners, which looks more dead than Uncle Ben, not to mention the lack of subway transportation to get around besides the one subway line in the Northward and other subway syetem in downtown.
MDNTNWK t1_iw6du6s wrote
Reply to comment by Nexis4Jersey in Cop shooter captured by GhostOfRobertTreat
Yeah. And now he's getting tried to attempted murder and weapons charges.
Attempted murder cant really apply to someone who cant think, behave, act, or feel properly.
Weapons charges is a bit off putting though, who tf gave him a gun?
MDNTNWK t1_iw5uor3 wrote
Reply to comment by DrixxYBoat in Cop shooter captured by GhostOfRobertTreat
And it recently came out from his family that he not only was schizophrenic, but when this mans mother went to the PD over the course of a few months leading to this, they disregarded her and said that something serious would need to happen before they could consider even booking him into a mental health institute or physc ward.
MDNTNWK OP t1_ivms4ka wrote
Reply to comment by ahtasva in Friendly Neighborhood Midnight here; Doing another QNA; Hit me with some qeustions in the comments. by MDNTNWK
Yeah, thats the unfortunate thing about what I do, since I dont really have means of getting around like that, some things like the shooting can slip past. Not to mention I'm not always out in the city 24/7,
but I think thats where the issue is more than just some kid in modded streetwear unable to make it in time to stop or intervene in whatever happens. But at that point yknow, I think it becomes something that the community as a whole has to address and find out how to deal with instead of constantly complaining and taking no further action, which sucks because its counterproductive as hell.
But yea, thanks for the heads up, I definitely would love to hear more from you tho, you brought a really good point despite it being a small joke lmao.
MDNTNWK OP t1_ivlbfga wrote
Reply to comment by ahtasva in Friendly Neighborhood Midnight here; Doing another QNA; Hit me with some qeustions in the comments. by MDNTNWK
Thanks for the heads up, man.
MDNTNWK OP t1_ivlba8b wrote
Reply to comment by VroomRutabaga in Friendly Neighborhood Midnight here; Doing another QNA; Hit me with some qeustions in the comments. by MDNTNWK
I would say between the north and central ward; I would say its a proximity thing, as the south and east wards are a little too far off for me in terms of covering distance; Then I'd need a skareboard or electric one, which I might get.
MDNTNWK OP t1_ivl0kzy wrote
Reply to comment by ahtasva in Friendly Neighborhood Midnight here; Doing another QNA; Hit me with some qeustions in the comments. by MDNTNWK
Was that a sarcastic question, or?
Judging that is wasn't; I was on the other side of the city. I cant be everywhere at once.
MDNTNWK OP t1_ivl0dvb wrote
Reply to comment by dankestTimeline69 in Friendly Neighborhood Midnight here; Doing another QNA; Hit me with some qeustions in the comments. by MDNTNWK
I haven't seen anything crazy yet, however for seeing something, thats a case-by-case basis, depending on how risky it is, I'll either interfere or alert authorities.
MDNTNWK OP t1_ivktnzy wrote
Reply to comment by dankestTimeline69 in Friendly Neighborhood Midnight here; Doing another QNA; Hit me with some qeustions in the comments. by MDNTNWK
Patrols, planning to do some outreach work this winter. Also get some info out about carjackings the community.
MDNTNWK OP t1_ivkenyh wrote
Reply to comment by dankestTimeline69 in Friendly Neighborhood Midnight here; Doing another QNA; Hit me with some qeustions in the comments. by MDNTNWK
Friendly Neighborhood. You want my SSN too or?
MDNTNWK t1_iviqfza wrote
Reply to comment by stephenclarkg in The state of the turtles by Shopriteisforlosers
Woah woah woah...Wdym by standing outside home depot gang 💀
MDNTNWK t1_iu38dr9 wrote
Reply to comment by Oh__Hai_ in Baraka: Newark to crack down on smoke shops (illegally) distributing cannabis by madsheb
"Ah yes, instead of focusing on deterring violent crime and carjackings in the city of Newark, we should target smoke shops who are disturbing cannabis, as both our licensing process and cops are too slow and we need to reach our quota-"
Bro should focus on...I dunno, not being bald? It'd probably be bad to be around him on a sunny day, blindness for days.
MDNTNWK t1_iu38725 wrote
Reply to comment by redhead29 in Baraka: Newark to crack down on smoke shops (illegally) distributing cannabis by madsheb
MDNTNWK t1_iu385tj wrote
Reply to comment by ahtasva in Baraka: Newark to crack down on smoke shops (illegally) distributing cannabis by madsheb
Baraka 2022: "Blaming Single Moms; Focusing on the wrong Issues, and showing off my shiny bald head."
MDNTNWK t1_iu37m8z wrote
Reply to Rendering Revealed for Affordable Housing Project on Newark’s 11th Street | Jersey Digs by 66nexus
Looks really similar to the affordable housing complex by Technology on broadway.
MDNTNWK OP t1_iw6wpkb wrote
Reply to comment by RollinRibs25 in Friendly Neighborhood Midnight here; Doing another QNA; Hit me with some qeustions in the comments. by MDNTNWK
Okay; I hear you.
Counterpoint; I LITERALLY DO CHARITY STUFF ON THE SIDE- Donating to drives, helping in whatever I can; I've literally been doing that.
I understand where you're coming from, but you sound hella negative. If you think what I'm doing is going out and looking for fights- that sounds...a little uneducated, and stupid.