MOGicantbewitty t1_j1qv2pi wrote
Reply to comment by funsk8mom in Anyone else has the flu? by Emergency-Candy1677
If teaching sucks that bad, find another job. Talking shit about children and their parents the way you do is not an acceptable response to a difficult job. If you hate that difficult job so much, change jobs. If you need extra jobs to survive, welcome to working in America. You’re not special just because you’re teacher. Do you think people who work hourly jobs don’t have to get exposed to people who are sick all the time in order to pay their bills?
You made the choice to be a teacher, if you didn’t understand the sacrifices involved, you shouldn’t have become a teacher. Just turning that comment about having children back on you… you do realize that some people get pregnant by accident, but you sure as hell didn’t become a teacher by accident, right?
MOGicantbewitty t1_j1quah3 wrote
Reply to comment by funsk8mom in Anyone else has the flu? by Emergency-Candy1677
Find a way to pay for the parents to stay home! People who work hourly or service jobs don’t get paid if they don’t go in. How do you plan to change things so people can afford to stay home a full week with their sick kids? Until you have a plan for that, you are just complaining and doing nothing to fix the actual problem
MOGicantbewitty t1_j1qu1nc wrote
Reply to comment by funsk8mom in Anyone else has the flu? by Emergency-Candy1677
I am so glad that you have enough money to be able to have 4 children, let alone sacrifice your job and still be able to feed them.
MOGicantbewitty t1_j1qtxe8 wrote
Being that close to Boston is overrated. There are plenty of other great areas and most everything in Massachusetts is under 2 hours from a major metro area. You pay a premium for anything east of 495, but no real extra benefits. Even to be in W Mass/Pioneer Valley area is only 90-120 to Boston, 60 minutes to Worcester, 30-45 to Springfield, 75 to Hartford, and 3 hours to New York. Needing to get into Boston every few months is completely manageable from W Mass. And it’s so much cheaper. Anything inside the 495 metro Boston area has much higher rents, utilities, food costs. Adding just a little travel time can get you a much lower cost of living with all the benefits. Check out the Pioneer Valley. It’s amazing…
MOGicantbewitty t1_j1qt135 wrote
Reply to comment by Roszo21 in Anyone else has the flu? by Emergency-Candy1677
Their reaction is honestly gross. But people forget how hateful many of the teachers and administrators were when we were in school. I don’t think much has changed
MOGicantbewitty t1_j1qswbg wrote
Reply to comment by funsk8mom in Anyone else has the flu? by Emergency-Candy1677
And how do you propose to change medical recommendations?
MOGicantbewitty t1_j1qsq37 wrote
Reply to comment by funsk8mom in Anyone else has the flu? by Emergency-Candy1677
How on earth are you a teacher and a mom, and you don’t realize that kids and school are permanent Petri dishes? The only way to stop kids from getting sick and spreading it at school is to stop having them go to school. Schools have ALWAYS been full of sick kids. Honestly, you do not have realistic expectations of schools and kids. Even colleges are hot spots… why do you think college kids need meningitis vaccinations?
MOGicantbewitty t1_j1qs2ex wrote
Reply to comment by funsk8mom in Anyone else has the flu? by Emergency-Candy1677
Seriously, if kids gross you out so much, and you hate the parents this much, you should consider a change in careers. Kids are ALWAYS snotty and gross, post pandemic or not. And your condescension towards poor parents is what really gross.
MOGicantbewitty t1_j1qrty2 wrote
Reply to comment by mycatisminnie in Anyone else has the flu? by Emergency-Candy1677
Because parents can’t afford to miss the work. That needs to be fixed before we can change the recommendations or the choices people make. Sending your kid to school still sick sounds like a stupid choice until you have decide whether your next paycheck will buy enough food, pay for rent, and keep the heat and electric on. Missing a day of work is the difference between having the electricity turned off for many families. I’ve personally been there
MOGicantbewitty t1_j1qrgwp wrote
Reply to comment by funsk8mom in Anyone else has the flu? by Emergency-Candy1677
I hope you never have to make that decision yourself. Holy ignorant condescension Batman!
MOGicantbewitty t1_j1n5pxp wrote
Reply to comment by mattf1979 in Former State Police Captain indicted on CP charges by [deleted]
It makes me really sad because there are some decent people out there trying to protect us who want to be police officers, but the bastards force the good ones out. Or they just look the other way which makes them a bastard to
MOGicantbewitty t1_j1ei4xf wrote
Reply to comment by BlaineTog in Former State Police Captain indicted on CP charges by [deleted]
Exactly. There is a reason the previous Amherst police chief moved to Belchertown, and then there was a reason he retired early. He was one of the very few good guys, and he couldn’t control all the officers in Amherst. Went to Belchertown bc they have a strong chief law that gave him more autonomy. And the Beaupre got arrested for secretly filming women he had sex with. A year after he was promoted. Pronovost was so heartbroken he just gave up.
Fuck cops. ACAB. And fuck the sexual predators, especially the ones that squeeze out the few decent cops
MOGicantbewitty t1_j04p0d7 wrote
Reply to comment by stackinpointers in Natick police officer pleads guilty in sexual assault of co-worker; Still has his job. by ak47workaccnt
Nope. You can be fired for having pending charges, wearing the wrong clothes, or having the wrong credit history
MOGicantbewitty t1_izegq2h wrote
Reply to comment by SXTY82 in Which is better day trip for this time of year - Cape Cod or mountain climb in the Whites? by kohlrabi_codex
Except in the winter, when it’s actually warmer. The ocean effect keeps the temps more moderate, not just colder in the summer.
MOGicantbewitty t1_ixme93x wrote
Reply to comment by seadev32 in ‘He kind of amps them up’: ‘Kevin’ the ringleader as turkeys terrorize Massachusetts town by zsreport
I’m forwarding it to everyone to say happy thanksgiving!
MOGicantbewitty t1_ixk5xw8 wrote
Reply to comment by Kestre333 in State to open temporary shelter at Devens by ak47workaccnt
Reposting under your comment so you can see :)
MEMA has very little money. And people can donate to the state with a specific stated purpose.
Here is MEMA’s website with contact info.
Just remember that they won’t be fully staffed and taking these kinds of calls or emails until Monday, but you can absolutely contact them and ask how you can donate.
MOGicantbewitty t1_ixk5viv wrote
Reply to comment by ak47workaccnt in State to open temporary shelter at Devens by ak47workaccnt
MEMA has very little money. And people can donate to the state with a specific stated purpose.
Here is MEMA’s website with contact info.
Just remember that they won’t be fully staffed and taking these kinds of calls or emails until Monday, but you can absolutely contact them and ask how you can donate.
MOGicantbewitty t1_iww2q3g wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Bank robbery on an island really makes your escape that much more difficult by tripper21
Holy straw man arguments, Batman! Using sexist slurs is totally cool, but able ism is where you draw the line. Have fun with your assumptions. I’ll continue on with my life
MOGicantbewitty t1_iwvlr85 wrote
Reply to comment by Boston_Stonks in Bank robbery on an island really makes your escape that much more difficult by tripper21
Is calling someone a cunt your go-to? Two out of your last three comments are calling someone a cunt. I mean, YOU come across as a self-righteous cunt, which is weird seeing as you are a newbie no-flair insulting a well established account. FYI, it makes you look like a troll or shill account.
False equivalency coming from someone who is insulting liberals for being “tolerant” screams fake shill account. Be better… MAGAs are already blaming everything wrong in this country on the brown people while actually being the ones causing all the shit.
Edit: I also love the hypocrisy when you call somebody out for using a slur by calling them a sexist slur.
MOGicantbewitty t1_iwjieix wrote
Reply to comment by LegisLAYshun in Towns and Mayors by jonahofthesea
May we one day meet geeking out about municipal government! It just makes me happy to see somebody do such a great job with a complex topic that I really enjoy myself.
MOGicantbewitty t1_iwhvmdt wrote
Reply to comment by LegisLAYshun in Towns and Mayors by jonahofthesea
Thanks for the fabulous explanation from another government nerd. I was even about to get all into the Town Administrator with Selectboard and Town Manager with Town Council distinction but you made it perfectly clear that the two types you discussed were the basic categories that can have more variation.
MOGicantbewitty t1_iw3n4to wrote
Reply to Is this legal? DOL by sharkymcmiller
Not legal at ALL. This is an injury on the job. He needs to report this to the department of labor, apply for workman’s compensation, and get a lawyer. They will work on contingency. His employer needed to pay for the doctors visit, and to be retaliated against for getting treated for a work place injury will entitle your father to damages
MOGicantbewitty t1_iw3g0gm wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Why did Great Barrington vote so staunchly for No on 2? by nrvs_hbt
Ohhhhh noooooo…. I’m sooooo hurt. I must be really crazy if some idiot on Reddit resorts to ad hominem attacks. 😂😂😂 That’s honestly pathetic. Bye!
MOGicantbewitty t1_iw2xm9j wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Why did Great Barrington vote so staunchly for No on 2? by nrvs_hbt
Bye shill!
MOGicantbewitty t1_j1qwq3z wrote
Reply to comment by mycatisminnie in Anyone else has the flu? by Emergency-Candy1677
The commenter above said that having children is a choice and that if we didn’t understand the sacrifices involved, we shouldn’t have had them. If they didn’t understand the sacrifices involved in being a teacher, which has always involved being around sick kids, they shouldn’t have become a teacher. The pandemic didn’t change the fact that sick kids go to school. The fact that teacher want to both be above reproach because they sacrifice so much, but not be expected to sacrifice bc PANDEMIC, is ridiculous. Do you think wait staff don’t get get exposed to sick people all the time? Retail? How much do you think that grocery store clerk gets paid? Lmao…