Mahameghabahana t1_iz8wkzg wrote
Reply to comment by Heres_your_sign in Apple explores moving some iPad production to India, sources say by Thick-Ad-6366
Why should it be illegal?
Mahameghabahana t1_iyvohhb wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Identical Twin Sisters from Mumbai marry the same man in solapur. Video goes viral by zumbadumbadumdum
Actually yes. Read some more articles, they decided to marry him and his family agreed.
Mahameghabahana t1_iyb4z1d wrote
Reply to comment by BatemanChad in India and China Are Doing Better in Climate Than They Admit by wjbc
Reducing growth or not doing development work isn't fight climate change. Developing and fight climate change can be done at the same time.
Mahameghabahana t1_iweobnl wrote
Reply to comment by HongoMushroomMan in India a step closer to getting its fifth-generation aircraft: What is this advanced fighter and why we need it? by Gari_305
Well apart from USA, china and Russia none have 5th gen aircraft and the russian one is hardly 5th gen.
Mahameghabahana t1_iw7zdxf wrote
Reply to comment by filthydeference in England wins the ICC T20 World Cup 2022. by nerdy_subha
4 wars, terrorist attacks, claims on our lands and being a enemy isn't enough i guess. Sorry but i rather support who are allies, i am not masochist enough to support an enemy. Now bhaichara crowd can downvote me.
Mahameghabahana t1_iw7yupy wrote
Reply to comment by Gaius_Octavius_ in England wins the ICC T20 World Cup 2022. by nerdy_subha
T20 is most popular.
Mahameghabahana t1_iv4frxs wrote
Reply to comment by amanamongbotss in What factors contribute to gas prices? [OC] by USAFacts_Official
Go for net profit then.
Mahameghabahana t1_iu2uihg wrote
Reply to comment by GamerA_S in Zimbabwe defeats Pakistan by the barest of margin this world cup has been the world cup of upsets by GamerA_S
Op post the tweet of Zimbabwe president in this subreddit.
Mahameghabahana t1_iu2ugqj wrote
Reply to comment by Blizzard_admin in Zimbabwe defeats Pakistan by the barest of margin this world cup has been the world cup of upsets by GamerA_S
Please post the president of Zimbabwe reply regarding this in this subreddit man.
Mahameghabahana t1_iu2dvu9 wrote
Reply to comment by GamerA_S in Zimbabwe defeats Pakistan by the barest of margin this world cup has been the world cup of upsets by GamerA_S
Next T20 world cub would have 20 teams no?
Mahameghabahana t1_itynj9u wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Ireland defeat England in rain-shortened match at the T20 World Cup by jachiche
Sports don't have a country. If so stop playing football and stuff and only play just Irish games.
Mahameghabahana t1_itxo3n0 wrote
Reply to comment by Johnnnnb in Ireland defeat England in rain-shortened match at the T20 World Cup by jachiche
Compare top cricket players earnings to top baseball players earnings.
Mahameghabahana t1_itke35z wrote
Reply to comment by razor_eddie in India (160/6) defeats Pakistan (159/8) on the last ball in a game for the ages by Swathe88
My guy indian think kashmir is the state of their, indian states have different ethnicities, culture and language. Many indian states also have a trend of sub-nationalism or state nationalism. The problem of Indians isn't kashmir but the separatists i kashmir.
Mahameghabahana t1_itk5vr8 wrote
Reply to comment by lachjeff in India (160/6) defeats Pakistan (159/8) on the last ball in a game for the ages by Swathe88
Laws are not laws of we lost it seems.
Mahameghabahana t1_itk5o4n wrote
Reply to comment by razor_eddie in India (160/6) defeats Pakistan (159/8) on the last ball in a game for the ages by Swathe88
Why would indians mind though? Kashmir is an indian state.
Mahameghabahana t1_iz8wq2l wrote
Reply to comment by scarletotter in Apple explores moving some iPad production to India, sources say by Thick-Ad-6366
60k rupees a year is quite a good amount though? Like that middle class salary. Most middle level government employees start with that amount. Do worker it's insanely high amount as things are far cheaper here.