
MajinBuuMan t1_j9tymls wrote

"The Fundamentals" of fighting games are not understood by most players.

They focus on being able to input the commands to do the cool looking combos and those look mostly the same in all fighters.

I've tried, I can't do the genre myself lol. It's just too fast and too much is needed to learn before you actually truly understand the nuances.

Only genre I can't get in to.


MajinBuuMan t1_j6shf07 wrote


MajinBuuMan t1_j6pc6x4 wrote

Mario on NES

Super Mario World

Super Mario 64

Donkey Kong Country 1-3

Zelda Link to the Past

Zelda Ocarina of Time

Chrono Trigger

Secret of Mana

Final Fantasy 6 (or 3 for North America release, depends how ROM is labeled)

Luigi Mansion

I'm biased towards Nintendo but I think all of these games have held up just fine. Maybe original Mario is a bit stupid to kids these days though but the Super Nintendo one is better.


MajinBuuMan t1_j6p5spe wrote

What kind of movies or books or tv are your favorite?

Stardew Valley is a solid casual game that almost anyone at any age and any gaming experience can enjoy. Life is Strange is easy gameplay and a solid narrative. Baby games but good games.

But without knowing preferences hard to recommended stuff.


MajinBuuMan t1_j6p5kaa wrote

It's basically a simplified Elder Scrolls game with real people running around.

Quests don't have much player impact, but they're good lore dumps and you get to explore the world and lore of everything.

It's very easy open world, lots of stuff to do especially if you like crafting, and it's all about lore and just living your best life in Tamriel.


MajinBuuMan t1_j6lcfy8 wrote

I just play my "core games". Things like Factorio, Ocarina of Time, Majoras Mask, Cities Skylines, Chrono Trigger, Resident Evil 1 and 4.

Stuff I can sink time in to that always immerse me. Like starting a fresh run in Chrono Trigger and doing all endings. Or fresh Zelda run and unlocking EVERYTHING.


MajinBuuMan t1_j6k49m0 wrote


It's the same gameplay. Colorful and wild set pieces. Good music. Cheesy and over the top story.

You're just fighting devils and angels with over the top sex appeal instead of robots.

Devil May Cry 5 same thing. Except instead of cartoons or sex appeal it's edgy coolness to the point of complete cheese.


MajinBuuMan t1_j27rh2s wrote