Make_the_music_stop t1_jeanusw wrote
Reply to comment by IrascibleOcelot in My girlfriend left me because of my abandonment issues... by Risperdali
Nice trivia. Loved that film.
Make_the_music_stop t1_je9y0qn wrote
Reply to comment by Marquar234 in My girlfriend left me because of my abandonment issues... by Risperdali
Reference to True Lies?
Make_the_music_stop t1_je9cg5i wrote
So my girlfriend left a note on the fridge saying "Sorry, this isn't working. I've gone to stay with my mother" I opened the fridge and the light came on and all the beers were ice cold. Phew!
Make_the_music_stop t1_jdzaixu wrote
A doctor is delivering Little Johnny. His head comes out and Johnny says “Hey, you my dad?”. The doctor is shocked, says no and Johnny shoots back inside the mother. The doctors calls the midwife over to have a look. Again the baby’s head pops out, “Hey, you my dad!?” The midwife says no and the baby shoots back inside the mother.
The doctor and midwife decide they better get the father who was too squeamish to be in the delivery room.
So the father looks between his wife’s legs. The baby’s head pops out again. “Hey, you my dad?”
Father “Yes!”
Little Johnny, “Well come here” and a tiny arm squeezes out, and starts to punch the top of the father’s head nonstop while shouting “HOW…WOULD…YOU…LIKE…THIS…TO…HAPPEN…EVERY…NIGHT…OF…YOUR…LIFE”
Make_the_music_stop t1_jduhsvr wrote
Reply to At the bar last night, a woman got her nipple pierced right in front of me by faithless_serene
A bloke walks into a bar and there are two Nuns playing darts. He offers to do the scoring.
The first Nun hits a treble twenty with her first and second darts and double twenty with her third. The man shouts out "One hundred and sixty."
The second Nun goes to throw and hits a treble twenty, a single twenty and the third dart hits the wire and rebounds straight into the Nuns eye, killing her instantly! The bloke shouts out "One Nun dead and eighty."
Make_the_music_stop t1_j9auyfv wrote
Reply to comment by Minneapolis_W in Average Attendance for North American Sports Leagues [OC] by BoMcCready
Thanks. So it really is America's game.
"Why is baseball called America's pastime? This is because baseball is the sport that generations have grown up playing. From the Industrial Revolution to the Cold War to our present day, baseball has survived countless economic endeavors and national hardships. To say it very simply, baseball has survived the test of time"
Make_the_music_stop t1_j9asyug wrote
Reply to comment by Minneapolis_W in Average Attendance for North American Sports Leagues [OC] by BoMcCready
So total tickets per season attendance MLB will be the highest. By far
Make_the_music_stop t1_j9asm26 wrote
Reply to comment by NarcissusLovesEcho in Average Attendance for North American Sports Leagues [OC] by BoMcCready
Yes you are right. Test matches are international matches and each country will play 8 to 12 per year. Only half at home on average.
Make_the_music_stop t1_j9ar5rp wrote
Reply to comment by Sig770 in Average Attendance for North American Sports Leagues [OC] by BoMcCready
Outdoor stadiums have more seats.
Make_the_music_stop t1_j9aljzs wrote
Reply to comment by BoMcCready in Average Attendance for North American Sports Leagues [OC] by BoMcCready
Average game for MBL and NFL is around 3+ hours.
Now test cricket can be 5 days with 8 to 9 hours per day. Sometimes those stadiums are packed the whole time.
Make_the_music_stop t1_j9ajfgz wrote
The gap between the two lines is telling. Down to price or popularity? Baseball has so many empty seats!
Make_the_music_stop t1_j6os4o5 wrote
Reply to comment by TooShiftyForYou in I'm surprised that so many jokes here are tagged NSFW. by vartha
Gennaro is in this country for only 6 months. He walks to work 20 blocks every day and passes a shoe store. Each day he stops and looks in the window to admire the Boccelli leather shoes. He wants those shoes so much... it's all he can think about.
After about 2 months he saves the price of the shoes, $300, and purchases them. Every Friday night the Italian community holds a dance in the church basement. Gennaro seizes this opportunity to wear his new Boccelli leather shoes for the first time.
He asks Sophia to dance and as they dance he asks her 'Sophia, do you wear red panties tonight?' Startled, Sophia replies, 'Yes, Gennaro, I do wear red panties tonight, but how do you know?' Gennaro answers, 'I see the reflection in my new $300 Boccelli leather shoes. How do you like them?'
Next he asks Rosa to dance, and after a few minutes he asks,’’Rosa, do you wear white panties tonight?' Rosa answers, 'Yes ,Gennaro, I do, but how do you know that?' He replies, 'I see the reflection in my new $300 Boccelli leather shoes. How do you like them?'
Now as the evening is almost over and the last song is being played, Gennaro asks Carmela to dance. Midway through the dance his face turns red. He states,' Carmela, be stilla my heart, please please tell me you wear no panties tonight, please, please, tella me this is true!'
Carmela smiles coyly and answers, 'Yes Gennaro, I wear no panties tonight.'
Gennaro gasps, 'Thanka God...I thought I hada CRACKA in my $300 Boccelli leather shoes!'
Make_the_music_stop t1_j6a49ds wrote
I was wakened at 3am by a crashing noise...I went down the stairs, cricket bat in hand, only to come face to face with an intruder stepping through my front door. He was armed with a crowbar but a swift crack of the willow round his head dropped him and he was spark out for enough time for me to grab a short length of rope. After hog-tying him in the hallway I went in the kitchen and made myself a cup of Coco. The bloke was conscious again when I returned. I stepped over him and began climbing the stairs. He said “Wait, aren’t you gonna call the police?”
I turned and replied “Why would I do that? Nobody knows you’re here” and continued back up to bed. Anyway enough of that nonsense, I’m having a big barbecue tomorrow afternoon, all are welcome
Make_the_music_stop t1_j5g13zl wrote
The Mafia have decided to get into online crime to keep upto date. They have just launched a new App called Pay-Up-Pal.
Make_the_music_stop t1_j1zzum3 wrote
Jesus and his disciples walk into a restaurant "Table for twenty-six, please."
"There's only thirteen of you."
"Yes, but we all like to sit on the same side."
Make_the_music_stop t1_j1twpsn wrote
Reply to My book on clocks finally arrived. by heyandy1
When Back to the Future Part 2 came out, after a long gap, the tag line was also, "It's about time"
Make_the_music_stop t1_ixuel0n wrote
Reply to I saw that our local zoo has an interesting attraction : A lion and a sheep living peacefully in the same cage. by RibaldPancake
I went to the zoo yesterday and saw a baguette in a cage. The zoo keeper told me it was bread in captivity.
Make_the_music_stop t1_ixm6tqm wrote
Reply to It can get hairy. by Direct_Conclusion_40
What do you call an adolescent rabbit? A pubic hare.
Make_the_music_stop t1_ixce1gv wrote
Reply to comment by Jordy_Pordy in [OC] Royal Mail, Europe's 3rd largest postal service by market cap - breaking down its 2021 annual report by giteam
Maybe? I don't know. I assumed the effective tax rate of 19% down to their 7.6% was down to allowances, adjustments and fancy accounting.
Make_the_music_stop t1_ixc9qwo wrote
Reply to comment by Jordy_Pordy in [OC] Royal Mail, Europe's 3rd largest postal service by market cap - breaking down its 2021 annual report by giteam
Capital allowances probably. UK has one of the longest most complicated tax codes in the world.
Make_the_music_stop t1_ivtc4ak wrote
Reply to A "large" man is seated at a restaurant and the waiter brings an enormous steak. by RibaldPancake
A guy walks into a busy bar and sees two ribeye steaks hanging from the ceiling. He asks the bartender what’s up with the steaks. The bartender tells him it’s a challenge, if he can jump and touch the ribeyes he can drink free all night. However if he try’s and fails, he has to buy everyone in the bar a drink. The bartender then asks him if he’d like to try. The man replies “No the steaks are too high”
Make_the_music_stop t1_iuhy3r5 wrote
Reply to comment by ATC_av8er in My wife accused me of achieving nothing... by Wallygonk
Siri kept on calling me Shirley today. I was beginning to get annoyed about it but then I realised I'd left my phone in Airplane mode.
Make_the_music_stop t1_iud7ro2 wrote
Reply to Onestone by le_bouffon
I really did not see that one coming. Nice!
Make_the_music_stop t1_iu8k22t wrote
What is another name for an adolescent bunny? A pubic hare.
Make_the_music_stop t1_jef4xv1 wrote
Reply to My doctor told me that I had a healthy prostate. by 1963Jan
During my prostate exam, my doctor told me it’s perfectly normal to become aroused and even ejaculate. That being said, I still wish he hadn’t.