Maleficent_Fill_2451 t1_jaeygi9 wrote
Reply to comment by MattDLR in Scientists unveil plan to create biocomputers powered by human brain cells - Now, scientists unveil a revolutionary path to drive computing forward: organoid intelligence, where lab-grown brain organoids act as biological hardware by Gari_305
One step closer to bio-androids. A lab grown brain in an undying body.
Maleficent_Fill_2451 t1_j8z3yru wrote
Reply to comment by AhbabaOooMaoMao in Strange smell in the air? by kittyjoker
I mean……do we really want it back now?
Maleficent_Fill_2451 t1_j68q0bi wrote
Reply to comment by signofzeta in This is a cult, right? by CassCat
Damn it if they try to push a timeshare on me I’m leaving.
Maleficent_Fill_2451 t1_j68kiqf wrote
Reply to comment by CassCat in This is a cult, right? by CassCat
The Black Forest cake is to die for.
Maleficent_Fill_2451 t1_j4l8p9o wrote
Reply to comment by nkw1004 in CT in a nutshell by Mortgena
It’s be impressive if it weren’t so jarring
Maleficent_Fill_2451 t1_jcpl0o2 wrote
Reply to comment by Pruedrive in Please if you are CT resident do not partake, we saw what happen to some residents on Jan 6 2022. by IndicationOver
Trump inciting another mob as he thinks his arrest is imminent. The difference being the NYPD will not roll over for this, and if it gets violent then it's going to turn into one big mess in more ways than one.