Malnurtured_Snay t1_jef5781 wrote
Reply to The Metro is the reason my car stays in the garage for weeks at a time. Without it, I would be driving 3-4 days a week. How much more frequently would you be driving if it weren’t for the Metro? by SuperBethesda
I bought a car a year and a half ago for a job I left eight months later ... but I work full-time from home, I live two blocks from a Safeway and shopping including two CVSs, multiple restaurants, and worst of all: an amazing bookstore, and a wonderful library with weekly booksales.
Unfortunately, since the car market has seemingly collapsed, I'm upside down on my car. I drive maybe once or twice a week. And I complain, but I have a good rate on insurance, have good gas mileage, and I love driving a 6-speed. (Plus it's easier to visit friends in Baltimore and family on the Eastern Shore).
Malnurtured_Snay t1_jed81ln wrote
Reply to comment by Reeetankiesbtfo in What just happened at the Potomac Ave stop? by appleofrage
I understand that reference!
Malnurtured_Snay t1_jeba9q1 wrote
Reply to comment by DancesWithTreetops in Archdiocese of Washington and Abuse Cases TW: abuse by DancesWithTreetops
It must be very frustrating to know that competent investigators worked on this, and not be able to access their report. I'm sure the investigators are also frustrated because it might be difficult to work on something like this, speak to the victims, identify wrong-doers, possibly identify ways to make sure this doesn't happen again, and see everything swept under a rug.
Years ago I worked for an Episcopal church and as an employee had to attend a program called "Safeguarding God's Children" ... and it was essentially about behaviors we, as staff, needed to be on the look out from children, employees, or volunteers which might lead us to believe something inappropriate was happening. Now, this was 9 years ago? But I'm pretty sure the instructions we had that we were mandatory reporters and that we had an obligation to go directly to the police.
Malnurtured_Snay t1_jeaxvdk wrote
> She referred me to an investigator at Davis Polk in DC.
I truly wonder what the benefit of conducting such an investigation through a legal office is rather than via law enforcement, besides of the obvious benefit of making it easier to cover up the results.
Very sorry you went through this OP.
Malnurtured_Snay t1_jdxhaix wrote
Has it already been four years?!
Malnurtured_Snay t1_jcnjd15 wrote
Reply to comment by HereComesHR in Recent DC Trip by HereComesHR
Drop the charade, Madam Mayor! I KNOW IT'S YOU!
Malnurtured_Snay t1_jcnhtdh wrote
Reply to comment by HereComesHR in Recent DC Trip by HereComesHR
Helicopters for the mayor? Over DC? Only if she's flying with the president!
I might've bought that you weren't the mayor ...
... but only the real mayor would've pretend not to notice I misspelled your first name, Madam Mayor!
Malnurtured_Snay t1_jcngwuz wrote
Reply to comment by HereComesHR in Recent DC Trip by HereComesHR
>Is she (am I) popular in DC?
Hi Murial! I'd like to take this opportunity to speak to you about potholes...
Malnurtured_Snay t1_jcneyno wrote
Reply to comment by HereComesHR in Recent DC Trip by HereComesHR
>I couldn’t even tell you who your mayor is.
This is exactly what she would say! It is Mayor Bowser!
Malnurtured_Snay t1_jcnetid wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Recent DC Trip by HereComesHR
>I still think it's an amazing city
What'd you think when you went to that Burger King tho?!
Malnurtured_Snay t1_jactlr0 wrote
Reply to comment by Malnurtured_Snay in What do you spend per month on groceries in DC? by questionsbecause
Also, thinking on it, when I've been socializing lately, it's generally been with friends, at my place or theirs, and we're usually ordering in or doing cooking/cookout, etc. If that's what's going on with u/UmbralRaptor, that's a cost that might be in their grocery budget.
Malnurtured_Snay t1_jabaplm wrote
Reply to comment by Sammmyy97 in What do you spend per month on groceries in DC? by questionsbecause
Well, s/he doesn't drink, and owns a car, so might drive to where they need to be. Might prefer taking Metro (bus or rail) or walking. Might live in a fun part of the city so doesn't need to go far.
Malnurtured_Snay t1_j9u8go9 wrote
Reply to comment by letbillfixit in An Elderly Woman Gets Pulled Over For Speeding... by JonathanMackay
Why do we assume that a description that's just "old lady" has to be white? It makes it sound like the default description of anyone is white, and that we have to clarify if they're not.
Besides, what white lady would have this level of gumption?
Malnurtured_Snay t1_j7bks5h wrote
That sounds too good to be true!
And if it's too good to be true, it's probably not true.
Malnurtured_Snay t1_j6jgw27 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Can I get CCTV footage from a public bus? by [deleted]
I'm not a lawyer, but you should probably delete this comment.
Malnurtured_Snay t1_j6ampfq wrote
Reply to How does DC handle snow? by thereadingbri
Pretty much the same thing. The local CBS affiliate even does a "bread meter" when snow storms are a serious possibility.
Now, having said that, it's pretty rare these days -- or at least it seems to be -- that we get more than one or two "snow events" and most of them are pretty milk as long as you have bread and TP too mild.
Malnurtured_Snay t1_j5opbqu wrote
Reply to comment by smacks23 in What are these homes called and why aren’t they being built anymore? by rdervgyb2345
I went to college in the Baltimore area, and I spent a lot of time in the city when I was younger. And sure, there were areas you absolutely avoided, but that's sort of like DC today. So I don't know if the crime is actually that bad there, if it's actually that bad here, or if I'm just getting old.
Malnurtured_Snay t1_j5mwok3 wrote
Reply to comment by Altruistic_Loss6834 in What are these homes called and why aren’t they being built anymore? by rdervgyb2345
Hahahaha. I was living in Cockeysville when they filmed the "fuck" scene looking for the bullet at a neighboring apartment complex.
Malnurtured_Snay t1_j5mndw0 wrote
Reply to comment by DeliMcPickles in What are these homes called and why aren’t they being built anymore? by rdervgyb2345
I just wish more of them had floor plans in the listing...
Malnurtured_Snay t1_j5mkmss wrote
Reply to comment by Malnurtured_Snay in What are these homes called and why aren’t they being built anymore? by rdervgyb2345
Now I'm thinking of my buddy who owned a giant ass house on Reservoir Hill. It's certainly the type that you might describe as a "brownstone" -- full basement, main living floor, and two floors of bedrooms above it. He was renovating it one room at a time.
Malnurtured_Snay t1_j5mi5zi wrote
Reply to More 'boots' on the ground?' "DC looks to hire more officers to address rise in illegally parked cars" by SomeLikeItRaw
This has nothing to do with anything, but I saw a DC employee writing parking tickets for cars parked on Connecticut Avenue at 4:30 or so this afternoon right outside my humble little condo. Never seen it before!
Malnurtured_Snay t1_j5mhdw7 wrote
Reply to comment by GingerMan027 in What are these homes called and why aren’t they being built anymore? by rdervgyb2345
Well, it'll be a few years until I'm in a position to move. I went to Towson U., and lived in the northern suburbs for a bit. Between 2004 - 2008 (when I moved back to DC) I spent a lot of time in Baltimore -- a friend owned a little bar in Remington, and I'm overly fond of that neighborhood and will miss Dizzy Issie's until the end of my days (I forget if that was considered Remington or Hampden) -- but I don't consider myself familiar with the city anymore. Most of the people I knew there have moved away (even if just to the suburbs). But I'd still love the recs because then I can be semi-realistic when browsing Redfin :)
Malnurtured_Snay t1_j5mbptb wrote
Reply to comment by cornmuffins1776 in What are these homes called and why aren’t they being built anymore? by rdervgyb2345
Yes, sadly. :(
Malnurtured_Snay t1_j5m5xhz wrote
Reply to comment by GingerMan027 in What are these homes called and why aren’t they being built anymore? by rdervgyb2345
Man, I browse Baltimore rowhomes on Redfin and I'm like "I could buy this for what I paid for a one-bedroom in DC." Tempting, yes.
Malnurtured_Snay t1_jeffeam wrote
Reply to comment by drodrige in The Metro is the reason my car stays in the garage for weeks at a time. Without it, I would be driving 3-4 days a week. How much more frequently would you be driving if it weren’t for the Metro? by SuperBethesda
Connecticut Avenue a few blocks south of Chevy Chase Circle.