
Mammoth_Sprinkles705 t1_iuizepp wrote

Good old clean electricity.

Definitely no use of natural gas and fossil fuels in the generation of electricity. What s great step forward!

These are the same politicians closed down the Indian Head Nuclear plant. Making us more dependent on fossil fuels for electricity generation.

Also how the fuck does it cost 4 billion dollars to update the heating system in 100 schools?

It cost 4 billion dollars to build the Buji Khalifa in Saudi Arabia

Thats $40 million per School to update a heating system?! You might as well destroy and rebuild the entire school it would be cheaper.

These NYS politician all need to be put on trail for treason with how corrupt they are.


Mammoth_Sprinkles705 t1_iu09uc4 wrote

NYC already operates like Arkham Asylum. With the way they just let violent criminals roam free.

Oh you randomly slashed a person on a subway platform with a knife for no reason? That sounds like assult with a deadly weapon.

But any way your free to go. You better hurry you don't wanna miss the train!


Mammoth_Sprinkles705 t1_it341kl wrote

> he can't just not do his job

Yes he can.

No one put a gun to his head and forced him to be a police officer.

There are plenty of jobs that don't involve putting humans into a cage under the threat of death for possessing a plant.

He made a decision to become a police officer and enforce these inhumane laws.

It's like signing up to be a slave catcher then saying "I'm just doing my job" when you return runaway slaves.