Maninhartsford t1_ixfugoo wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Cassian Andor: The Spy Who Came in from the Cold by PetyrDayne
Even if Disney IS paying to promote the show, there's like 10 posts on here a day about it. SOME of them MUST be genuine. I've actually seen comments screaming at OPs for being bots and they're just like "uh, I'm not? I like the show?"
Maninhartsford t1_ix5om11 wrote
Hey, gen-xers, just out of curiosity, what killed the 80s true crime trend? Was it just running out of interesting cases?
Maninhartsford t1_iuiu1fu wrote
Yeah, they really didn't know where to take it. It was based on an old 70s show from England that was riding on Doctor Who's coattails, but for some reason even though Doctor Who was incredibly popular, again at the time, the CW decided to make their version this weird blend of Alias and X Men and the story just never got going.
Maninhartsford t1_iuitcf3 wrote
Reply to What is with this flooding of this subreddit today with 80's theme intros? by inksmudgedhands
Yeah, I'm missing my 15 daily threads about how You're A Bad Person If You Don't Watch She-Hulk and Is ROP Or HOTD The Winner In A Made Up Competition We Started
Maninhartsford t1_iu1lmxd wrote
Reply to When people say Buffy the Vampire Slater is a good show are they being sarcastic? by BitCharacter1951
Buffy is a great fantasy adventure show with witty dialogue, characters worth rooting for, and a heavy dose of camp. It helped change people's perspectives on serialization in television, and featured one of the first lesbian main characters. What it is NOT, is prestige television. They were comfortable having bad cgi because the other option was putting people in giant monster suits. If you can't stand the occasional bad episode or cheesy moment, you probably won't care for it because it's more interested in wild storylines and bizarre character moments than it is in being "high quality."
Basically, turn off your critic hat and you'll be surprised how much it does well. But no, it's not the fucking Sopranos, it's Buffy The Vampire Slayer, they're not aiming for high art.
By the way, I remember the episode you're talking about and that snake is probably one of the worst effects in the whole series. They typically have pretty decent sfx makeup for their monsters and, like a lot of late 90s shows, underestimated how quickly cgi would get dated
Maninhartsford t1_iu04pyi wrote
Reply to Netflix has a new show called Dubai Bling. If you would like to remove it from your front page. Go to settings/restrictions. by [deleted]
I love the shade that rather than just saying you don't like it, specifically letting us know how to never see it lol
Maninhartsford t1_itpi38e wrote
Reply to comment by NotoriousREV in What was the first sitcom without a laugh track or live studio audience? by Pink_Pens
The producers agree with you, and fought for the laugh track free version, which is now a viewing option on all the dvds. The network insisted on including a track, cause networks, but compromised by never having it in the operating room.
Maninhartsford t1_itnb1sa wrote
Reply to comment by Roook36 in Masters of horror so much boobies by WilliamTCipher
Maninhartsford t1_ithxzwz wrote
Reply to comment by BatXDude in I watched Twin Peaks for the first time, feel like a fool by neuroflix
A lot of the parody elements have been lost to time due to the fading popularity of 80s primetime soaps and TV movies. I got really into old tv movies at the start of the pandemic and when I rewatched twin peaks I felt like I got a lot more of the humor. For example, in the pilot, they fade into their first commercial on Laura's mother crying, and after the break, she's still crying. That's STRAIGHT out of a tearjerker TV flick.
I definitely feel like he was doing a bit of the same thing in season 3, but with modern prestige television. (Spoiler) the arm wrestling scene is like a bizarro version of something from breaking bad
Maninhartsford t1_it4kyg9 wrote
Reply to comment by UrLocalTroll in If You Could Apply Rings of Power Budget to Any IP Adaptation, What Would You Choose? by Any-Low9727
Good news, there's a TV adaptation coming...
...bad news, from Disney+
Maninhartsford t1_it3abbf wrote
There's a fun YouTube channel called Rinse Repeat that does this, puts together nostalgic kids show blocks with original commercials too. Of course it's limited by what shows won't get pulled from YouTube, but that sort of ads to the fun as it's like the b sides. But yeah, if disney+ launched a one Saturday morning section or HBO max started in with cartoon cartoons, that would be awesome.
Maninhartsford t1_isul31b wrote
Reply to Andor is a brilliant show which is somewhat going under the radar for a Star wars show by [deleted]
Maybe it's just spending too much time here but I feel like the only reason the last couple of star wars shows haven't flown under the radar is people never stopped complaining about them
Maninhartsford t1_ixkjck3 wrote
Reply to comment by epixzone in What are some criminally underappreciated TV shows? by undercover_apple
Did you know they had a 3 season plan, and part of it was changing the title yearly? S2 was gonna be "Foothold" and 3 "Stranglehold"