March_Latter t1_izz3re5 wrote
Reply to The Pioneer Institute has found that most MA residents favor a history MCAS for graduation by Technical_Hair_4383
Why does history have to be right or left? Lets get some basics out there. Lets have a well rounded group of Doctorates of History discuss each question. If the question is misleading or not factual it does not make the cut. No history stories without factual data. Empirical data to back up opinions if absolutely needed. No deliberate damage to any country or ethnicities reputation. Honestly if we can't do that then lets not send the kids to school.
March_Latter t1_izz050f wrote
Reply to comment by Accurate-Historian-7 in Alternative Electric Provider by Due_Dragonfly_5547
My cost was $ went to $140. My rooms are always bright, my TV is always on. Now if the rest of the area does not want to conserve the answer is very simple. You need a new power plant, and that will never happen in RI.
March_Latter t1_izyqmay wrote
Reply to Alternative Electric Provider by Due_Dragonfly_5547
I know people will downvote this but there is a far greater solution to solar. Turn the lights off. If your electric bill is shocking it has nothing to do with the rates, it has to do with your behavior. You want to spend 10-30k to lower your $500 electric bill feel free. But the real answer is just shut off the damn lights.
March_Latter t1_izuwx16 wrote
Reply to comment by LetMeSleepNoEleven in Recount flips Mass. House election to Democrat by 1 vote by TurretLauncher
Ill thought out you say, well your academic holiness let me bow down at your obvious intellect and belief that your news is unbiased. Being to mentally powerful yourself to do your own research must be difficult. If you believe the news you read is accurate nobody can help you. If you believe you are well informed, again nobody can help you. But stop masquerading as some sort of intellect. You are far from that.
March_Latter t1_izubnqg wrote
Reply to comment by LetMeSleepNoEleven in Recount flips Mass. House election to Democrat by 1 vote by TurretLauncher
LOL... seriously come to Massachusetts. I can't even find union members who are Democrat. Every election we are confused.
March_Latter t1_izua875 wrote
Reply to comment by LetMeSleepNoEleven in Recount flips Mass. House election to Democrat by 1 vote by TurretLauncher
Really, let me help you with this one in a simple manner that will help you ascertain the truth. Tomorrow morning program your XM/Sirius to have CNN and FOX right next to each other. As you drive to work switch between them as often as is able and do so on the way home also. You could also do this with Bloomberg most of the day and MSNBC if you don't like CNN. At the end of the day tell me the differences in reporting. Not only factually but what light the news was discussed in. Whomever did the study you mention, flat out lied.
March_Latter t1_izu7wk0 wrote
Reply to comment by Ok_District2853 in Recount flips Mass. House election to Democrat by 1 vote by TurretLauncher
Really!!! I think you need to see a map of republican districts. The only thing the democrats hold is the cities. Even in deep blue California half the states counties are republican by nature. I live in deep blue Massachusetts the 4th most educated state. We don't live in Boston, so almost every friend we have is republican. The only democrats come over from Rhode island and we are still trying to figure out who votes democrat in our elections. Oh I see you are on the anti Fox news thing!!!So exciting for you. But you can't put CNN, MSNBC,NPR, Politico, or any other group in the same boat and admit they are all lying can you. You just like the lies that you get told and god forbid you question those lies in front of your friends. Can't do that now, they won't be friends after that.
March_Latter t1_iztzuzh wrote
Reply to comment by LetMeSleepNoEleven in Recount flips Mass. House election to Democrat by 1 vote by TurretLauncher
The reason we are aware of outcomes of elections and investigations is journalists. The death of the local town journalist has left the work to the larger entities and they control the flow of news to their participants. I say participant because as you may have noticed a CNN viewer will never watch Fox and you can change those names as needed. So if CNN does not mention the event or changes its outcome to one that is positive to their party that becomes factual information to that participant. That happens daily if not hourly on big news days.
March_Latter t1_iztx8ad wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Recount flips Mass. House election to Democrat by 1 vote by TurretLauncher
I would see someone before January, you will need the meds.
March_Latter t1_iztx47y wrote
Reply to comment by LetMeSleepNoEleven in Recount flips Mass. House election to Democrat by 1 vote by TurretLauncher
Sadly Journalism is dead...In twenty years we may know the answers but todays journalists work for a political party and might as well announce it on every broadcast. It does not help that no oversight has occurred in recent years either with that committee wasting all their time on political goose chases.
March_Latter t1_iztvgp5 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Recount flips Mass. House election to Democrat by 1 vote by TurretLauncher
Three....You found three voters...Are you joking? Seriously the matter we are discussing involves 11 votes in a town and you found three voters in a state and claiming a win? Does anyone in your life take you seriously? Want to have fun? Lets go historical...1948 Lyndon Johnson election scandal. Current? Ozzie Myers. Both, although they show a pattern are not typically important are far more than three votes. Johnson is fun due to it being so blatant. Myers due to how widespread and long lasting it was. We can go on for a while...but three votes? Seriously fuck off.
March_Latter t1_izttazf wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Recount flips Mass. House election to Democrat by 1 vote by TurretLauncher
Me? I am surely not worried about my honesty or the outcomes Democrats have brought on themselves. Enjoy January!
March_Latter t1_iztt2t0 wrote
Reply to comment by LetMeSleepNoEleven in Recount flips Mass. House election to Democrat by 1 vote by TurretLauncher
Then the statistics need to be trusted. In the last 3 years how many close elections such as this one have been decided on the last batch of votes? Miracle last group to be counted seems to always be the winner for Democrats including this one. The first few times this happens its not a statistic. When its consistent it is. Overall we cannot fault one group but not the other when there is a possible issue. People on this thread claiming the republican is wrong when a recount decides against him? No way. The right to challenge is obvious and history shows him not to always be wrong on this.
March_Latter t1_iztrbz2 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Recount flips Mass. House election to Democrat by 1 vote by TurretLauncher
I am implying that democrats only argue against in election when they lose. Otherwise all elections are absolute in their eyes and unable to be challenged regardless of any anomalies. This makes them two faced trash, not stupid two face trashed as democrats love to say to everyone...Ever think about how you look when you refer to someone as stupid? Myself, I don't think you are stupid. Just unable to self reflect.
March_Latter t1_iztqfnc wrote
I was there in the 90's ...looked about the same.
March_Latter t1_iztp8e2 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Recount flips Mass. House election to Democrat by 1 vote by TurretLauncher
That was an intelligent statement. Please tell me where and when Republican election fraud has occurred.
March_Latter t1_iztolpx wrote
Reply to comment by LetMeSleepNoEleven in Recount flips Mass. House election to Democrat by 1 vote by TurretLauncher
The point is you either trust the machine or you do not trust the machine. I would go with a machine count long before a hand count due to the inability to have bias, but if proven wrong by a double hand count the machine now needs to go as its inaccurate. If there is going to be a recount when close we can not say our elections are absolute and not to be questioned.
March_Latter t1_iztni9w wrote
Reply to comment by Ok_District2853 in Recount flips Mass. House election to Democrat by 1 vote by TurretLauncher
I think you need a history book.
March_Latter t1_izgrqjf wrote
Reply to comment by abcde__edcba in Residents ‘Horrified’ Over Proposed Solar Farm Near Waltham/Lexington Line by ak47workaccnt
That actually has to be the dumbest response I have seen on Reddit. So you know that it won't do any good, you know its trashing land. But because it makes people feel better because they voted it in continuing is the best answer. The hell our grandkids will live in is a version of idiocracy. Raised to be proudly stupid in a landscape trashed for no reason.
March_Latter t1_izfzd50 wrote
Reply to Residents ‘Horrified’ Over Proposed Solar Farm Near Waltham/Lexington Line by ak47workaccnt
The part that amuses me is the output and finances of this. The article lists this as a 1 Megawatt. Does anyone understand how little this is? The only way this type of event is even financially viable is the government handouts, and I will forecast this, permanently destroying 31 acres of land for such little reason will go down in history as complete idiocy.
March_Latter t1_izb5trv wrote
Sorry for your loss but take a look and you will find a solid worker will find a job easy. I know the construction supply business is always looking.
March_Latter t1_izaw95b wrote
Reply to F*ck you RI Energy! by ClnclyDprsd420
Ok, sadly the highlighted number is a pass through. This is the cost to RI Energy for the electricity you used. Why is it so high? Well first holy shit you use a tone of electricity. Second we don't have control over power generation, we buy what we are not forced to buy from solar on the open market. The solar cost by the way is far higher. So you want some lower costs, build some actual power plants. This will be of course downvoted by fools who don't understand their own power system. Good Luck!
March_Latter t1_iyfcdzw wrote
Reply to comment by PipeLayer2016 in TEAMSTERS VOTE TO AUTHORIZE STRIKE AT RHODE ISLAND SCHOOL OF DESIGN by Rogue-Island-Pirate
I can't imagine a parent paying 80k a year. Can you imagine having the loan for most of that after four years with an art degree?
March_Latter t1_iyf3t2i wrote
At first I thought poor broke art school can't afford more, than I looked at their yearly cost...Wow, this school charges more than Harvard?
March_Latter t1_izza1nz wrote
Reply to comment by BMorris2526 in Can Governor McKee really evict homeless people sleeping on State House grounds? by rhodyjourno
I love how they place their answer as if there is no other possible location to pitch their tent but the state house.