
March_Latter t1_j1hxjp6 wrote

I hear that often but honestly my friends parents have all just retired and the vast majority of them would be happy to give 25k for a down payment and help out with the grandkids but thats really it. Mom and dad are really not that wealthy. I am of the age where supposedly my generation should be kicking some money to the recent college graduates and honestly, what money? From where? New basic car sure. You want an Audi? nope.


March_Latter t1_j1hupuz wrote

Attleboro is not a great place but apartments are less expensive. Fall River will be fully renovated when the new line goes in. Best I can say is look for homes near the new commuter line.

On another note I have owned 4 houses built before 1978 with no lead in them. The 1970's did a lot of crappy wood rehabs and yanked most of that out. Add some replacement windows and there goes the lead.


March_Latter t1_j1ht4fr wrote

First, use the train if you have to work in Boston and live far enough away to survive. Second, its really expensive. I have no idea how the younger generation affords a 400k mortgage, and suv, an audi, and two kids. I make double the median and I don't have those expenses and still feel like I don't make enough.


March_Latter t1_j1hnsjt wrote

A police station as a place the public are allowed to hang out? Sure, right up until they say leave.

Unless invited in. such as a warming station or shelter, the public is not allowed in government owned spaces. This was decided a long time before I was born.


March_Latter t1_j06n15j wrote

Its weird you don't think people can have the room they are not occupying dark. Also who is dumb enough after all these years to put electric heat in New England? Even the heat pump companies tell you to add gas or propane for the actual cold weather. So I assume you love solar panels like the rest of the dumb shits. If you sell them you can afford them on your house, but stop preying on the poor with overpriced and senseless garbage.


March_Latter t1_j06jm7k wrote

My mother lives in 3000sf of 1970's technology.. If she can keep her electric bill below $150 the people with LEDS have no method of complaining. It doesn't even take effort, when you leave a room shut off the light. At night does it look like daylight outside? Shut off the light.


March_Latter t1_j06j4p4 wrote

Have you met todays under 30 crowd? If teachers claim to be teaching the correct documents then they can explain how these kids don't know anything about even basic history. Perhaps an investigation of their absolute failure would be best. Its either they are teaching it wrong, or they are complete failures in their jobs and these kids are making up their own history.

Go find one and ask them questions. They do not know the answer. WWI...complete unaware. WWII? We went to save the jews? Korea Absolutely positively zero. Vietnam, just the sexual revolution and our troops discovered drugs. American Indians, magical people who never harmed any one and were living in complete peace when the white people intentionally killed them with disease.


March_Latter t1_j03vyrl wrote

But they did understand the basics of history and if given more history to learn it was added on seamlessly to previous history. Why is simple, they got taught the basics without a slant based on facts because intentional changes are fiction, and that should be left to the English teacher. Far worse is intentionally creating a new narrative and teaching it to children to disregard a part of history you don't like as that is more than a waste of every ones time, its difficult to repair later on and that's as intended by the person creating the lie. So if we are just going to have teachers stand up and bullshit the children lets save a step and read them Gone with the Wind and let them know its fiction so at least some good come from the time and investment.


March_Latter t1_j01kkkd wrote

I have spent a lot of time with the under thirty crowd and there history knowledge is terrible. Its not even what they don't know that is tough to imagine, its what they know wrong. Stupid adjustments at times. Whole time periods misconstrued. Outcomes that are wrong. Wrong even in the basics. Taught with a very hard slant? You bet.

We don't want or need LOTS of people to weigh in, that's a very bad idea that should be removed from all school decisions....Too many with an agenda who want to teach things wrong to make their group appear better.

So if we are going to continue to teach history this way I say lets just stop. Knowing no history is far better than believing you know the correct history.