
March_Latter t1_j3dcu00 wrote

We don't allow electric heat, This is the third time in thirty years the story of electric heat will be fine to heat with has come to New England. I changed out an electric to oil 30 years ago and the guy saved the cost of the system in two years. With your cost, much faster.


March_Latter t1_j3c2l7j wrote

So lets get this straight. A national hate group went to RI, the smallest state in the union, to distribute hate literature on the driveways of leftists of the most left state in the union. These pamphlets are nowhere near professionally made and appear almost child like in the design and would serve no real purpose at all unless someone reported them to the police....I call bullshit.


March_Latter t1_j3bx1n8 wrote

Don't worry about the gaming PC, thats not the culprit. Its the electric heat. Didn't your inspector advise you that electric baseboard heat was extremely expensive?

Either way, call MASS SAVE. Get them out there and discuss some solutions with rebates from the state. Its the absolute best thing you can do at this moment.


March_Latter t1_j32zlan wrote

Yes....they will not move out of the right lane either. Every screwball mindless thing they do. Pacing the car next to them, not signaling, can't maintain speed. Remember, a good number of the are uninsured also so good luck when the accident happens.


March_Latter t1_j2y8sl9 wrote

The states the one who took away our zoning control. Now we have houses in wetlands and on roads we never intended for houses. Condo associations putting houses right next to each other instead of spaced like required. The state is also the one who mandates how we replace buildings with the absolute most expensive method possible then looks away when its bid time. I have turned obvious no bid contracts over to the AG, she called the person who wrote the bid to ask if they did anything wrong. Reinterpret laws to get what she wants though? Absolutely. She should be disbarred.


March_Latter t1_j2t8k3e wrote

I don't think it needs a new form of representation but it isn't hard to stop legislating against suburban and rural communities as the government in Massachusetts and specifically Maura Healy has done for at least a decade. The "Berkshires" isn't the only area of Massachusetts that is sick and tired of Boston pushing Boston style zoning and laws on the rest of us.


March_Latter t1_j24w0jb wrote

Um no... the original Rhodeworks number over 4 billion is listed in the article. The 40 million has never been achieved Net or Gross. To get closer they use the total including Newport bridge and thats not broken out well, at least 6 million there not counting expenses.

In fact there where no less than five articles available about the losses by tolling before Gina got promoted, now you need to go through the reports yourself and very quickly if you look past the glossy papers you will find like most state issues the numbers don't much the discussion or really even come close. We owe the toll company at least 4 million a year, that gets a little cloudy. We paid 70 million for the gantries but that did not include "all" of the costs. Just what they installed, more likely 100 million total buy in for set up.



March_Latter t1_j20nd8k wrote

I am gas, but the system is the same. Just the cost of fuel is different. I understand Propane costs roughly 6 times more than Natural gas per BTU so you would need to factor that in. Mini Splits lose efficiency from 40 degrees and at 20 lose drastically. So mostly you would have to guess how many cold days you have below 20 that a system would make up for and handle hot water. I think in your odd case keeping oil might be the most cost effective idea.


March_Latter t1_j20l6hp wrote

I went with Navien. Hot water cost is negligible. My gas bill is mostly the fee's in summer. Summer actual gas cost is maybe $3 for hot water. It seems like you live somewhere other than New England so if its warm enough you can heat with mini split style heat pumps. Here you can not do so efficiently so my current gas bill is $220 for the month keeping the hundred year old 1500sf house a 69 degrees.


March_Latter t1_j1yv3wr wrote

After the complete failure of the truck tolls where RI was forecast to lose money and put them up anyway, spending 2 dollars for every dollar collected I don't think Rhode Island Politicians should feel they can discuss tolls at all. They screwed the state proudly and intentionally.

Things that still need to be discussed due to this failure:

The "revenue" was supposed to pay for RhodeWorks and 100's of millions have been spent on that program

Is the money going to have to go back to the truckers?

RI screwed itself good this time, and now the politician who pushed it is Commerce Secretary. Nice work Rhode Island.


March_Latter t1_j1u1taa wrote

I am deeply embedded in the supply chain. Summer of 21 I could have easily told you costs were moving upward at an unprecedented rate with no end in sight. You know what happened after contractors were informed of the situation? They bid jobs pennies over cost and then acted surprised they could not afford to do the job. You can claim hundreds of issues that led to this but in every sector everyone was informed costs in the future were a guess at best and to factor that in.


March_Latter t1_j1irfbq wrote

I have only shipped one car and I can tell you pay the extra amount for the guys who know what they are doing. Seeing most of the runs appear to be from Here to Florida or Texas it will most likely cost extra. I did one cheap haul from AZ a few years ago and I think it was $1200. But a fender was bent in the process. Royal pain in the ass.


March_Latter t1_j1ih1aw wrote

I have to know... Rhode islanders as a whole have to be the dumbest group of people I interact with. Is it the water? Is it deliberate? For gods sake stop having children.


March_Latter t1_j1ifxw7 wrote

Be extremely careful of any reciprocity idea brought to you by your corporation. Most of these HR people have no idea about individual state tax laws and I almost got nailed for their lack of knowledge.

From experience I can say RI taxes are slightly higher for income for a middle class bracket. This may lead to you giving them a small amount of money depending on possible deductions.

If she is paying out of RI make sure she is paying TDI as my old company screwed that up for years and that removes the need for short term disability to an insurer.


March_Latter t1_j1ieqwj wrote

Really? Why don't you go hang out in your town hall today. Its a public space, must be open to the public. Perhaps tonight you can go camping in Roger Williams Park. Just disregard those stupid signs that claim you can't. How about this a reservoir is obviously public land. Go fishing.


March_Latter t1_j1i33x6 wrote

The point you miss is yes, our parents in some cases had some money. Not the money you think was there but enough to live comfortable. But they all had at least two children and most lived deep into their old age. Divide by at least two and get killed with inflation for a while and big dollars become small dollars. My father was very well off when he retired. But he had five kids.

I think like most people you get your economic ideas from Hollywood.