
MarkVII88 t1_iv2tmhh wrote

You've got an answer for everything eh? Trying to justify behavior that is idiotic, illegal, dangerous, and annoying. I bet you're a skilled driver.

Your explanation for not using turn signals sounds a lot like: "If a tree falls in the woods and nobody is there to hear it, does it still make a sound?"


MarkVII88 t1_iv0r819 wrote

To me, this sounds like a situation that could have been avoided if there was a formalized, signed, notarized business agreement in place between Harrison and Desorda. I don't know for sure, because it wasn't specifically stated in the article, but it sounds like these owners had more of a handshake contract. In fact, there was no formal lease for The Roasted Bean in the Pangaea space. Don't dick around with handshakes. Get an attorney, write up an agreement, negotiate back and forth, both parties sign. It's not rocket science, it's just business. And the owners of Pangaea decided they could do it better themselves. Nothing to stop them from doing so, given there was apparently no formal lease or contract.

I don't have any sympathy for people who feel like they got screwed, yet didn't put something like a lease agreement or a business arrangement in writing. Live and learn.


MarkVII88 t1_iv0peul wrote

Another example of Trump not putting in any effort to find out what is really going on. Malloy speaks like Trump. Malloy courted Trump. Malloy supported the rigged 2020 election conspiracy. Trump likes sycophants, and that's good enough for him. Malloy is going to lose by a huge margin, and even though that is easy to predict from pre-election surveys, it will come as a total surprise to Trump, who will then throw Malloy under the bus and blame him for wasting Trump's endorsement.


MarkVII88 t1_iv0og9t wrote

I think this is just another example of how many drivers on VT roads are totally oblivious.

  • Use turn signals only some of the time, when it suits you...Check!
  • Move all the way to the right when turning left, to make it impossible for anyone to get around you...Check!
  • Drive 34 MPH in a 35 MPH zone, but then continue driving 34 MPH when the speed limit drops to 25 MPH...Check!
  • Don't use the highway on-ramp to actually get up to speed, then merge into highway traffic while going 40 MPH...Check!
  • Drive around all day with high-beams on...Check!

MarkVII88 t1_ius6c62 wrote

Nope! I don't have any specific recommendations based on experience. I'm just trying to figure out what your deal is and what you're looking for, since your post is not clear and lacks details. Honestly comes across as somewhat sketchy, like you're trying to get some kind of deal you don't actually qualify for.

Actual bona fide music composition programs are available in VT at places like the VT College of Fine Arts, Northern VT University, University of VT. But I have no idea if they have any specific considerations for low income people. That's work you'll have to do yourself.

Or are you looking for some kind of less formal, local community center type enrichment workshop that has a sliding scale of price based on a person's income?

Have a blessed day!


MarkVII88 t1_ius04f2 wrote

Why wouldn't location matter? A low income student probably would have a harder time traveling a longer distance for such a music program. Very limited public transport in VT. High housing prices. High gas prices. Probably drives a rather shitty or unreliable vehicle that doesn't get the best gas mileage.


MarkVII88 t1_iur9xdb wrote

What if they posted "notch watchers". A bunch of threatening-looking, conspiracy theory-believing incels standing by the approach to Smugglers Notch Rd. in tactical gear with AR-15 style rifles.

If batshit crazy folks employ such shenanigans to intimidate people at polling places in certain parts of the country, then it should work in Smugglers Notch to keep the trucks away, no?


MarkVII88 t1_iur96wj wrote

I guarantee that when I bring my trash bags full of cans/bottles to the redemption center the folks doing the sorting are not counting $0.15 for an empty bottle of gin or vodka in amongst the hundreds of other cans I'm returning at the same time. And you know what? I don't care at all.